Upload Panel Configurations
Canvas now enables you to configure maximum allowed size for upload panels per MIME type (PDF, JPG, etc.) and per form item. Earlier the maximum allowed size for upload panels was set as a global configuration. This means that the total configured size was divided across different MIME types. The global configuration gave rise to ambiguity where the end-users had to upload different files within limited sizes. For example, let’s assume that the file upload size is set to 2 MB max. When users upload an image (.jpeg file) of size 1 MB and in the same form they upload a data file of size 1.5 MB, the application would have prevented the upload.
With the latest updates, you can set different limits for different upload panel form items. The maximum file size would be configured in componentspreferences.properties file for each MIME type and the same will be used to validate the maximum allowed size at globally.
Refer Upload Panel for more information.