Approving Reports

Approving Reports

The approval of reports rests with the Administrator, who should either approve or reject the report, which was created by the user. To approve the reports, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sigma Studio as an administrator.

    The home page of Sigma Studio appears.

  2. Click Request Approval on the left navigation pane.

    The Activity Summary category with Saved, Pending, Processed and Rejected tabs appears as shown in the following screen shot. The Saved tab comprises of saved reports, while Pending, Processed and Rejected denote pending, approved and rejected reports respectively.

  3. Click the Pending tab to view the pending reports.
  4. Hover the mouse on the right side of the pending report to view the Approve/Reject options. Click Approve/Reject to proceed further.

    The Authorize Request page appears.

  5. To approve the report, click Approve.

    For the approval of reports, the data appears in read-only mode. 

    A message box appears.

  6. Type your comments in the Approval Comments text field and click Submit.

    A confirmation message, indicating a valid approval of the report appears.

  7. Click Ok.

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