About Page: The users can access the About Page to view the app and device details. The app's About Page will include the following details:
- App Version – Version of the app that is being used currently.
- App Name - Name of the app.
- Device ID – Unique identification number of the device.
- Platform – Indicates whether the app has been packaged for Android or iOS platform.
- Operating System Version – Version of the device's operating system.
- Manufacturer – The manufacturer of the device.
- Model – Model number of the device.
- Resolution – Screen resolution of the device.
- Rooted - Indicates whether the operating system can be unlocked to install unapproved apps, update the OS and so on.
There is a small difference in how the About Page of an app is displayed in an Android and iOS device.
In an Android device, the About Page can be accessed from a menu option, button or link within the app and the page looks something like the following screen shot:
In an iOS device, when you click a menu option, button or link within the app, the app's About Page will open in the device's default Settings Page as shown in the following screen shot:
Send Logs: If there is an issue with the app, the user can send the app's logs to the app support team by clicking a menu option, button or link within the app. A sample screen shot is as follows: