Packaging Mobile Apps Using CMBS

The first step in the mobile apps packaging process is the project (app) registration. It is necessary for the template to be readied before proceeding with the registration process. The next step after registration is to trigger the build and package the app. The CM team must refer the Mac PC Setup for Centralized Mobile Build Server (CMBS) for instructions on the server setup.

The configuration Management (CM) team will be the point of contact for the implementation teams to package a mobile app for various platforms. The CM team will be responsible for registering the project on the MAC machine (CMBS, also called Slave 2) by taking the necessary inputs from the implementation teams. They will also be responsible for setting up a project corresponding to the registered project on Jenkins. After the project is registered, the implementation team or the CM team triggers slave 1 Ant script through Jenkins. The slave 1 Ant script triggers the slave 2 Ant script to generate the mobile build. After the mobile build is generated, slave 1 retrieves the mobile build from slave 2.

The pictorial representation of the systems used, roles and responsibilities of the teams and the mobile build workflow are as follows:

Refer the following pages: