To add accessibility text for charts, adding add the following code snippet in the JS listener for the workspace that contain the chart widgets:
Code Block | ||
| ||
CWEH.registerHandler('<Chart Widget Id>', CFEC.WIDGET_RENDERED, function() { FusionCharts.Accessibility.setAlternateTexts( { '<Chart ID>': { 'chart': 'This is a {chartType} chart with static colors', 'plot': 'On date {label}, the revenue is {value}.' } }); } //here, Chart ID = <VIEW_ID>_<WIDGET_ID>_CHARTCWEH = Canvas Widget Event Handler //CFEC = Canvas Form Event Constant //Chart Widget Id / Widget ID = Chart app ID //Chart ID = <VIEW_ID>_<WIDGET_ID>_CHART |
The default accessibility texts for the single-series and multi-series charts, and gauges is shown in the following code snippet: