Adding accessibility text for charts

Adding accessibility text for charts

To add accessibility text for charts, add the following code snippet in the JS listener for the workspace that contain the chart widgets:

CWEH.registerHandler('<Chart Widget Id>', CFEC.WIDGET_RENDERED, function() { FusionCharts.Accessibility.setAlternateTexts( { '<Chart ID>': { 'chart': 'This is a {chartType} chart with static colors', 'plot': 'On date {label}, the revenue is {value}.' } }); } //CWEH = Canvas Widget Event Handler //CFEC = Canvas Form Event Constant //Chart Widget Id / Widget ID = Chart app ID //Chart ID = <VIEW_ID>_<WIDGET_ID>_CHART

The default accessibility texts for the single-series and multi-series charts, and gauges is shown in the following code snippet:

//Single-series charts { 'chart': 'This is a {chartType} chart showing {xAxisName} and {yAxisName}. ', 'plot': '{label} value is {value}. Plot {plotIndex} of {totalPlots}.' } //Multi-series charts { 'chart': 'This is a {chartType} chart. {xAxisName} is plotted on x axis and {yAxisName} is plotted on y axis.', 'plot': '{seriesName} for the {label} is {value}. Plot {plotIndex} of {totalPlots}. Series {seriesIndex} of {totalSeries}.' } //Gauges { 'chart': 'This is a {chartType} chart showing {xAxisName} and {yAxisName}', 'plot': '{label} value is {value}. Plot {plotIndex} of {totalPlots}.' }