App Designer - Grouped Grid Single level

Grouped Grid Single Level is a list view that aggregates the records by a particular column in the grid.

To load new set of records on scrolling to the bottom of the particular grouping grid single level widget, you must specify the env options for enabling and loading records in the appropriate listener file of the grouping grid single level widget, as shown in the following code snippet: 

ct.env.options.widget.enableLoadOnScroll = true;
ct.env.options.widget.paginationTypesMap.GROUP = "loadmore";

The following screen shot showcases a grouping grid single level widget with the "Load More" option in the functional application, Modelhouse: 

In the following sections, let's see the configurations of a Grouped Grid Single Level App View type in App Designer:

For more details on the Grouped Grid Single level View, refer the following pages: