Configuring Charts for XLSX Format Reports

The following screenshot shows a sample Card Details chart report:

Refer Improve Business Reports with Charts for more information on prerequisites required for implementing charts in reports.

Chart App Configuration

To configure a chart app using App Designer in eMACH-Sigma Studio, perform the following steps in eMACH-Sigma Studio:

  1. Access App Designer and create a pie chart widget with the relevant data source (SUMMARY DETAILS DS).

    1. Click Proceed to configure the column chart widget.

  2. Click the Columns tab and select the relevant columns of CARD_NO and CURRENT_BALANCE to the X and Y Axes respectively.

  3. If required, click the chart design area to configure the additional chart properties. For instance, the palette colors of the chart can be modified in accordance with your needs and requirements.

  4.  Click the Save  icon to save the column chart widget (Card Details App).

Report Configuration

To create a simple report with charts, configure the additional steps in eMACH-Sigma Studio:

  1. Click Template Designer icon while configuring the report in eMACH-Sigma Studio.

    The Template Designer screen appears with the list of header and footer options on the left side and the list of layout tabs on the right side.

  2. Select the type of field from the left side. In this example, the Report Header field is selected.

  3. Select the Chart Layout () tab on the right side. A list of existing chart apps appears on this tab.

  4. Drag and drop the created chart app (e.g. Card Details App) within the design area.

  5. Click Save icon to save the template designer configurations.

  6. Proceed with the other configurations for the report. Refer Configuring a Simple Report for more information on configuring a simple report.