Client Customization

The client customization feature in sigma enables you to customize the attributes, properties, and formats of the report specific to the clients. By using this feature users can customize MT940 tags specific to the client.

Perform the following steps in Sigma Studio to customize reports in client level.

  1. Click Manage > Client Customization.


    The Client Customization screen is displayed as below.


  2. Click the CLIENT search drop-down field to select the client, e.g. HIGHSCORE – 8HIG1002.
    You can only view the reports to which the client is entitled in the Reports section.

  3. Select All Reports or individual reports in the Reports section to customize.

  4. Select the format from the Formats section. The user can select All Formats or individual formats.

    • By default, the formats selected in the report configuration will only be available in the Formats section.

    • The user can customize All Reports from the Reports section and select the All Formats or individual formats from the Formats section to customize the reports instead of selecting them individually.

  5. Refer to the following to customize all reports or individual report formats:


If an individual report is selected in the Reports section to customize , two new fields will be available in the Customize section, i.e., column alias and selected columns.

  1. Column Alias

    1. Click the Column Alias to give labels for the columns and click Update to update the column alias.

    2. Click the update button to update the column alias.

  2. Selected Columns

    1. Click the Selected Columns to rearrange the columns and click Update to update the column arrangements.
      NOTE: Rearranging of columns is only prioritised for report groups and schedules.

    2. Click the update button to update the selected columns.

  1. Click the Save icon to save the client customization configuration.

    A message indicating the client customization data saved successfully is displayed.