Customization for CSV Format:

Customization for CSV Format:

Select the CSV format from the Formats section, the available customization will be displayed in the Customize section.

  1. Contacts

    1. Select Contacts from the Customize section. The corresponding actions will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
      NOTE: The available customization is common for DOCX, HTML and PDF.

    2. Choose the contacts available in Contacts drop-down field.
      NOTE: Existing contacts or contact groups appear in the contact field.

    3. Click the Update button to update the contacts.

      Toast message for the successful update of the contacts displays.


  2. CSV Properties

    1. Select CSV Properties from the Customize section. The available properties will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

    2. Click the CSV Delimiters drop-down list and select the delimiter of your choice, e.g. Comma.
      INFO: The available delimiters are: Caret, Comma, Pipe, SemiColon, Space and Tab.

    3. Click the Text Qualifiers drop-down list and select a text qualifier of your choice, e.g. Double Quotes.
      INFO: The available text qualifier are: Double Quotes and Single Quotes.

    4. Click the File Extensions drop-down list and select a file extension of your choice, e.g. csv.
      INFO: The available file extensions for the CSV format are: csv, tsv and txt.

    5. Click the Update button to update the CSV properties.

      Toast message for the successful update of the CSV properties displays.

  3. Data Type Format

    1. Select Data Type Format from the Customize section. The available data type format will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
      NOTE: The data type selected in the report configurations is prioritised.

    2. Click the Amount Format drop-down list and select an amount format of your choice, e.g. ##,##,###.##.

    3. Click the Date Format drop-down list and select the date format of your choice, e.g. MM-dd-yyyy.
      The available date formats are: MM-dd-yyyy (Month-Date-Year), yyyy-MM-dd (Year-Month-Date), dd/MM/yyyy (Date/Month/Year), MM/dd/yyyy (Month/Date/Year), dd/MMM/yyyy (Date/Month Abbreviation/Year) and dd-MM-yyyy (Date-Month-Year).

    4. Click the Time Format drop-down list and select the time format of your choice, e.g. hh:mm:ss a.
      The available time formats are: hh:mm:ss a (12-hour format), HH:mm:ss (24-hour format), hh:mm:ss.SSS a (12-hour format with milliseconds) and HH:mm:ss.SSS (24-hour format with milliseconds).

    5. Click the Update button to update the Data Type Format.

      Toast message for the successful update of the Data Type Format displays.

  4. Delivery Information

    1. Select Delivery Information from the Customize section. The available delivery customization will be displayed in the right side.

    2. Click the SFTP DataSource drop-down list and select the SFTP datasource of your choice, e.g. SFTP_DS.

    3. Enter the SFTP sub path in the SFTP Sub Path field, e.g. FTP PF DS, PATH = Newfolder.

    4. Enter the custom file name in the SFTP Custom File Name field, e.g. NEW REPORT.

    5. Click the update button to update the delivery information.

      Toast message for the successful update of the Data Type Format displays.

  5. Output File Name Pattern

    1. Select Output File Name Pattern from the Customize section. The available output file name customization will be displayed in the right side.

    2. Enter the output file name in the File Name text field, e.g. CUSTOM REPORT.

    3. Click the Update button to update the output file name pattern.

      Toast message for the successful update of the output file name pattern displays.

  6. Default Export Properties

    1. Select Default Export Properties from the Customize section. The available output file name customization will be displayed in the right side.
      NOTE: The export properties selected in the report configuration is prioritised.

    2. Click the Page Layout drop-down list and select the page layout of your choice, e.g. Portrait.

    3. Click the Page Size drop-down list and select the page size of your choice, e.g. A4.

    4. Click the Font Family drop-down list and select the font family of your choice, e.g. Arial.

    5. Click the Font Size drop-down list and select the font size of your choice, e.g. 12.

    6. Click the Show Filter drop-down list and select YES or NO of your choice to enable filter, e.g. No.

    7. Click the Print Serial No drop-down list and select YES or NO of your choice to enable serial number, e.g. No.

    8. Click the Show Report Title in Content drop-down list and select YES or NO of your choice to show title in report, e.g. YES.

    9. Click the Update button to update the default export properties.

      Toast message for the successful update of the default export properties displays.

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