Intellect Design® Canvas Technology (CT) is an enterprise grade low-code platform that enables you to build highly configurable and user friendly applications that relies on standard web technologies and supports multiple form factors.
CT platform provides a rich set of features around creation of Apps (widgets) and publishing those apps to a central Canvas App Store. Apps can be directly created on Canvas or done by a third-party and published into Canvas.
All apps are created through configuration with coding focused primarily on data source and integration. Canvas Studio provides a variant that allows for Business users to model and publish Apps by themselves and IT to further embellish the Apps for technical configuration, if required. And all this with a tight linkage to Entitlements engine that allows for the right content to be displayed to a user.
Canvas can be deployed in a scalable architecture and based 100% on JEE architecture, can be installed on any JEE application server in a multi-tiered deployment structure.
For more information, refer the following:
- Canvas Capabilities
- Canvas Technical Overview
- What's New in Canvas 18 (YouTube)
- Canvas Framework Reference Guides
- Canvas Studio
- Frequently Asked Questions