- In Canvas Studio, click Create -> Template
- In the Create New Template form, provide the following information:
Screen Item | What to provide |
Template ID | Provide a unique ID for the Template. |
Template Description | Small description about the Template. |
Channel | Indicates for which channel the template is applicable for. The options available are: Do you wish to configure a common template for all channels? Yes: This template is applicable to all the following channels.
No:Appropriate channel must be selected for the template. Channel can be selected for each Template Config within the same Template ID. |
Template Config | Provide the HTML DOM (codes) of this Template or paste the HTML/CTTPL file of the Template in WAR folder ctmodelhouse/templates and provide the path in this field. Example for HTML DOM: {{#each ALL_RECORDS}} ACCOUNT_NAME : {{ACCOUNT_NAME}} <br/> ACCOUNT_NO : {{ACCOUNT_NO}} <hr> {{/each}} |
Submit | Submit the configuration of Template. |