Locate the .war Folder - JBoss EAP 7.x (CTModelHouse)
Locate the .war Folder - JBoss EAP 7.x (CTModelHouse)
Extract the \Intellect Digital Enterprise Platform-\Intellect Digital Enterprise Platform-\modelhouse\ctmodelhouse.war file to the following location:
<JBoss EAP 7.x Installed folder>\standalone\deploymentsThe .war file is extracted to ease the manual configuration which is to done in the upcoming procedure.
- Rename the extracted folder as ctmodelhouse.war to facilitate the application deployment and execution.
Create a file with the file name ctmodelhouse.war.dodeploy in the following path to trigger the ctmodelhouse.war deployment:
<JBoss EAP 7.x Installed folder>\standalone\deploymentsA simple method to create this file is to create a new .txt file (Right click within the deployments folder > Click New > Click Text Document) and replace complete file name along with the extension with ctmodelhouse.war.dodeploy
, multiple selections available,