Locate the .war Folder - JBoss EAP 7.x (CTModelHouse)

Locate the .war Folder - JBoss EAP 7.x (CTModelHouse)

  1. Extract the \Intellect Digital Enterprise Platform-\Intellect Digital Enterprise Platform-\modelhouse\ctmodelhouse.war file to the following location:

    <JBoss EAP 7.x Installed folder>\standalone\deployments

    The .war file is extracted to ease the manual configuration which is to done in the upcoming procedure.

  2. Rename the extracted folder as ctmodelhouse.war to facilitate the application deployment and execution.

  3. Create a file with the file name ctmodelhouse.war.dodeploy in the following path to trigger the ctmodelhouse.war deployment:

    <JBoss EAP 7.x Installed folder>\standalone\deployments

    A simple method to create this file is to create a new .txt file (Right click within the deployments folder > Click New > Click Text Document) and replace complete file name along with the extension with ctmodelhouse.war.dodeploy