CTModelHouse Setup

CTModelHouse Setup

Setting up the CTModelHouse application involves the following steps:

  1. Creating Folders
  2. Configuring Properties Files

  1. The .WAR file that is released will be available in the path:
  2. Always consider the .WAR file that has been recently released for deployment.

Folder Creations

Make sure that the folders and the files shown in the following screenshot should be available in the mentioned path to launch CTModelHouse.

File Location: <ServerPath>/mydomain/Canvas_Domain/Canvas/Modelhouse/forReports/TempXML

The <ServerPath> mentioned refers to the Environment's IP where the application is going to be deployed. For example: <ServerPath> can be /usr1/SIR08872/.

Configuring the Properties Files

The following properties files needs to be configured:

  1. databaseconfig.properties
  2. MyImplementation.properties


File location: CTModeHouse.war\WEB-INF\lib\CTModelHouseResources.jar\databaseconfig.properties

The value of the datasource key should be as follows:

CT_FW_DATABASE_VENDOR = <<Database vendor name>>

For example:


Make sure that the data source is given as mentioned in the following snippet: 


Make sure that the data source name is given as mentioned in the following snippet: 


Make sure that the USER_TXN_NAME.JNDIName is given as mentioned in the following snippet: 

USER_TXN_NAME.JNDIName = java:comp/UserTransaction


File Location: CTModelHouse.war\WEB-INF\lib\CTModelHouseResources.jar\MyImplementation.properties

Configure the instance level as well as centralized work folders:

# This property provides the path for instance level folder, 
# for example CT_WORK_FOLDER_PATH=/usr1/SIR08872/mydomain/Canvas_domain/canvas/Modelhouse

# This property provides the centralized folder path, for example
