Migration Changes from CT 17.1.4 to CT 19.1

The following table lists the technical changes in Canvas Technology platform from version 17.1.4 to 19.1:








DB - Changes in CT Tables

  • The complete list of structural changes in the CT tables can be identified using a tool which is bundled as a part of the database script release package.

  • Contact the CT Support Team in case of any clarifications required.


DB - updates for existing configurations

  • If custom theme is configured, the entry for the theme from theme master table has to be removed.

  • In the VIEW_DEFINITION table, the value of the instruction class name has to be ‘DEFAULT' instead of 'NONE’.

  • The scripts in the 'INSERT_CT_META_DATA.SQL file present in the database release package has the list of all the DML changes required in the CT tables.


Web - App Config Changes

# The data source that is used by the CT framework helps to connect with the file data import schema CT_FW_FILEIMPORT_DATASOURCE=java:/ModelHouseCT

  • The following properties are added in the  inforreportconfig.properties file:

# This is used for an initialization of the queue REPORT_QUEUE_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory # This is used for the connectivity REPORT_JMS_CONNECTION_FACTORY=java:JmsXA # This mentions the location of the report REPORT_QUEUE_JNDI_URL=localhost:8082 # This is used to specify the file name REPORT_FILE_NAME=REPORT_NAME+YEAR+MONTH2+DAY+HOURS+MINUTES+SECONDS # This is used to generalize the archieval path REPORT_GROUP_ARCHIEVED_PATH=/InfoReport/Archived/CORPORATE_ID/USER_NUMBER # This is used to specify the group file name REPORT_GROUP_FILE_NAME=REPORT_GROUP_NAME+YEAR+MONTH2+DAY+HOURS+MINUTES+SECONDS

log.level.dataimport=debug # This is used to set the logger level of the data

  • The following tags have to be removed in CSSCONFIG.XML as CT no longer supports ext and jqm:

The value of the "folderRef" attribute in framework and direction tag in the CSSCONFIG.XML should be the path of the CSS file relative to the context root.

Refer the following example:

The value of the "name" attribute in CSS tag in the CSSCONFIG.XML should be the file name alone of the CSS file (path should not be included).

Refer the following example:


Web - Deployment Procedure Changes

The WEB.XML has to be updated to add the "InitializeContextFilter".

The following entries must be added before the entry for SessionFilter:


Web - Jar Version updates

  • The following Executable Jar Files are added:

  1. animal-sniffer-annotations-1.17.jar

  2. cacheauthoentitlegrpc-1.0.jar

  3. commons-exec-1.1.jar

  4. commons-io-2.6.jar

  5. commons-math3-3.6.1.jar

  6. cssparser-0.9.11.jar

  7. curvesapi-1.06.jar

  8. error_prone_annotations-2.2.0.jar

  9. grpc-context-1.15.1.jar

  10. grpc-core-1.15.1.jar

  11. grpc-netty-shaded-1.15.1.jar

  12. grpc-protobuf-1.15.1.jar

  13. grpc-protobuf-lite-1.15.1.jar

  14. grpc-stub-1.15.1.jar

  15. grpcsession-1.0.jar

  16. gson-2.7.jar

  17. guava-20.0.jar

  18. hamcrest-core-1.3.jar

  19. httpclient-4.3.1.jar

  20. httpcore-4.3.jar

  21. httpmime-4.3.1.jar

  22. javax.websocket-api-1.1.jar

  23. jcip-annotations-1.0.jar

  24. jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.24.jar

  25. jna-3.4.0.jar

  26. jsass-4.1.0.jar

  27. jsr305-3.0.0.jar

  28. junit-3.8.1.jar

  29. junit-4.11.jar

  30. kafka-clients-1.1.0.jar

  31. lz4-java-1.4.jar

  32. metaauthodescripgrpc-1.0.jar

  33. mongo-java-driver-3.9.0.jar

  34. mx4j-tools-3.0.1.jar

  35. mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar

  36. nekohtml-1.9.19.jar

  37. netty-3.5.2.Final.jar

  38. noggit-0.8.jar

  39. opencensus-api-0.12.3.jar

  40. opencensus-contrib-grpc-metrics-0.12.3.jar

  41. phantomjsdriver-1.1.0.jar

  42. platform-3.4.0.jar

  43. proto-google-common-protos-1.0.0.jar

  44. protobuf-java-3.5.1.jar

  45. sac-1.3.jar

  46. selenium-api-2.39.0.jar

  47. selenium-java-2.39.0.jar

  48. selenium-remote-driver-2.39.0.jar

  49. selenium-server-2.39.0.jar

  50. selenium-support-2.39.0.jar

  51. serializer-2.7.1.jar

  52. shani-parser-v1.4.17.jar

  53. slf4j-api-1.7.24.jar

  54. snakeyaml-1.8.jar

  55. snappy-java-

  56. solr-solrj-7.7.0.jar

  57. stax2-api-3.1.4.jar

  58. webbit-0.4.14.jar

  59. woodstox-core-asl-4.4.1.jar

  60. xalan-2.7.1.jar

  61. xlsx-streamer-2.1.0.jar

  62. zookeeper-3.4.13.jar

  • The following Executable Jar Files are deleted:

  1. httpclient-4.2.3.jar

  2. httpcore-4.2.1.jar

  3. mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar

  4. shani-parser-canvas.jar


Mobile - App bundle procedure changes

The latest hybrid files will be shared and have to be included.


Mobile - Cordova Plugin Changes

No changes.



Client side changes :

  • CT has upgraded the version of Twitter BootStrap from 3 to 4. As a part of this upgrade, a list of Twitter BootStrap 3 classes have to be replaced with their equivalent Twitter BootStrap 4 classes. A tool will be provided to perform the conversion in the CSS and CTTPL files. Contact the CT Support Team in case of any clarification required.

  • The dynamic widget rendering API has been enhanced to navigate to a work space to support the following configuration :

  • To navigate to a workspace, inspite of using the code given below,

use the following code instead:

  • In CTHome.jsp , if the code to update metadata based on the last metadata sync time is present, then it has to be removed as it is handled by CT in the latest release.

  • In row template instead of this.VALUE use this.record.<COLUMN_NO>.VALUE

  • The widget DOM structure has been changed. Any code written to directly access the DOM to perform some action should be replaced by the code to achieve the required functionality using widget API or configuration.


Instead of the code to trigger the click by selecting DOM from the first row in the grouping grid, configure them in a group stage as “expand only first node”.

  • The canvas.modeler.launch API has changes in input parameters.

  • In popovers and tooltips, some additional properties have to be included.

  • Remove data-target="#" for popovers/dropdown menus in the templates.

  • Modal (Window/Dialogs) might need additional properties to achieve the existing view.

  • If the popover is used and it has input elements then change the popover to modal or alternate view.

  • Custom Theme - variables need to be identified and added to the convert to SASS.


Java changes

  • The sample classes SessionFilter, EventInterceptor and SessionInterceptor can be included if required.

  • The method retrieveUserDetails has been added in the AuthenticationServiceProvider interface. In case a custom AuthenticationServiceProvider is used, either implement it or use the following method as required.

  • In the IEntitlementSource interface, the default implementation of the method enrichUserDetails has been added and this will be called from the getUserDetails method. If the getUserDetails method is being used, then the method has to be overridden to avoid executing the default implementation.