Displaying Grand and Sub-totals in Reports
Sigma enables you to use specific features like displaying the grand total, average, count, etc, for a column on the whole using Select Group Header attribute in Sigma application.
For instance, the simple report with grand and sub-totals is shown in the following screenshots:
- Sub-totals:
- Grand Total:
In order to generate the simple report as shown above, perform the following additional steps in Sigma:
- Click a column name from the selected column(s) to choose the group header. For example, Available Balance is selected here.
A window appears on the right-hand side of the page as shown below: - Click Select Group Header drop-down and select Sum as the group header.
- Click Group By drop-down to select the columns that needs to be grouped and those grouped sections will be provided with sub-totals for each.
Here, Reference Number column is selected in the Group By drop-down list.
You can enable page reset and page break options for group by columns by selecting Page Reset (
) and Page Break ( ) icons respectively. - Perform the other actions and follow any of the steps to generate the report:
- To execute the report, click Run.
or - To save the report, click Save.
or To save and execute (generate) the report, click Save and Run.
If you have clicked Save and Run, the generated report appears on the Generated Reports tab.
- To execute the report, click Run.
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