Let us understand the data level entitlements configuration by taking the Loan Summary app in CT Modelhouse application as an example.

This app currently displays Personal Loan, Home Loan,


and  CarLoan information:

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Now, let us see how the entitlements can be configured at the data level for the Loan Summary app to show data relevant and authorized for the user who is viewing it.Note:

  • It is assumed that the user details, product codes and sub product codes are already specified in the relevant tables.
  • As stated earlier, you can define your own entitlement criteria which can also be reused for different product and sub product.
  • You do not have to map any of the defined entitlement criteria to a user if the user has access to all products or services (for example, cards, loans) and if there is no restriction on the information displayed in the app for that user.

Scenario 1 – Using the Default Source Type V
