This app currently displays Personal Loan, Home Loan, and CarLoan information:
Now, let us see how the entitlements can be configured at the data level for the Loan Summary app to show data relevant and authorized for the user who is viewing it.
- DESCRIPTION = Loan type criteria
- SOURCE_VALUE = Home Loan, Personal Loan
Info |
To provide multiple values in the SOURCE_VALUE column, separate the values with comma. However, it is recommended you use source type Q or C if there are many values to be given. |
2. Save the updates done to the OO_CRITERIA_TYPE_MASTER table.
3. In the OD_USER_FUNCTION_MB table, add a row for James and Albert each and provide the following details:
- OD_USER_NO: Provide James and Albert's user number as 201206000010 and 201206000003, respectively.
- CRITERIA_TYPE: Provide LOAN_CRI as the criteria type.
- OD_ACC_NO: Specify Home Loan for James and Personal Loan for Albert.
- Save the updates done to the table.
4. Map the entitlement criteria (LOAN_CRI) to the LOAN TYPE view column while creating the view in Canvas Studio.
Create > View > Create View Definition > Create View Item Definition screen:
App Designer:
For more information, please refer the App Configuration and Workspace Configuration sections in the Expert Studio Dev guide OR you can also refer the App Designer document. The documents are available in Unmail > Canvas Technology > Documents > Release
The Loan Summary app displays the Home Loan details for James:
The Loan Summary app displays the Personal Loan details for Albert:
Scenario 2 – No Entitlement Criteria Defined
Let us assume that William - the Loan Department Head of a bank is entitled to all the loan products (Home Loan, Personal Loan, and Car Loan) and hence, the Loan Summary app must display data pertaining to all the loan types. In this scenario, there is no need to map any entitlement criteria for William. The Loan Summary app displays all loan type details for William:
Scenario 3 – Using the $ALL Keyword with the Source Type V or C
In this scenario, the loan types offered by the bank are less. Hence, the $ALL keyword with source type V approach can be used to achieve the desired result.
1: In the OO_CRITERIA_TYPE_MASTER table, provide the following details:
- DESCRIPTION = Loan type criteria
- SOURCE_VALUE = Home Loan, Personal Loan
Info |
To provide multiple values in the SOURCE_VALUE column, separate the values with comma. However, it is recommended you use source type Q or C if there are many values to be given. |
2: Save the updates done to the OO_CRITERIA_TYPE_MASTER table.
3: In the OD_USER_FUNCTION_MB table, provide the following details:
- OD_USER_NO: Provide William's user number - 201206000012
- CRITERIA_TYPE: Provide LOAN_CRI as the criteria type.
- OD_ACC_NO: Specify the $ALL keyword.
- Save the updates done to the table.
4: Map the entitlement criteria (LOAN_CRI) to the LOAN TYPE view column while creating the view in Canvas Studio.
Create > View > Create View Definition > Create View Item Definition screen:
App Designer:
For more information, please refer the App Configuration and Workspace Configuration sections in the Expert Studio Dev guide OR you can also refer the App Designer document. The documents are available in Unmail > Canvas Technology > Documents > Release
The Loan Summary app only displays Home Loan and Personal Loan details for William:
Info |
When using the source type C, a Java class must be invoked to return data for the specified values. This source type is recommended if you want to apply some logic to filter data in a scenario or if the source is a Web service, database, Excel file, text file and so on. There is no restriction with respect to the data source when you use a Java class. |
1: In the OO_CRITERIA_TYPE_MASTER table, provide the following details:
- DESCRIPTION = Loan type criteria
- SOURCE_VALUE = com.intellectdesign.modelhouse.LoanTypesEntitlmentProvider
2: Save the updates done to the OO_CRITERIA_TYPE_MASTER table.
Info |
SampleCritValues.txt is the source file containing the possible values for data filtering. |
- In the OD_USER_FUNCTION_MB table, provide the following details:
- OD_USER_NO: Provide William's user number – 01206000012
- CRITERIA_TYPE: Provide LOAN_CRI as the criteria type.
- OD_ACC_NO: Specify the $ALL keyword.
- Save the updates done to the table.
- Map the entitlement criteria (LOAN_CRI) to the LOAN TYPE view column while creating the view in Canvas Studio.
- DESCRIPTION = Loan type criteria
2. Save the updates done to the OO_CRITERIA_TYPE_MASTER table.
3. In the OD_USER_FUNCTION_MB table, provide the following details:
- OD_USER_NO: Provide William's user number - 201206000012
- CRITERIA_TYPE: Provide LOAN_CRI as the criteria type.
- OD_ACC_NO: Specify the $ALL keyword.
- Save the updates done to the table.
4. Map the entitlement criteria (LOAN_CRI) to the LOAN TYPE view column while creating the view in Canvas Studio.
Create > View > Create View Definition > Create View Item Definition screen:
App Designer:
For more information, please refer the App Configuration and Workspace Configuration sections in the Expert Studio Dev guide OR you can also refer the App Designer document. The documents are available in Unmail > Canvas Technology > Documents > Release
The Loan Summary app displays details pertaining to all the loans that have been launched to William: