Update Operation
Update Operation
Let us take the scenario where the user is allowed a screen to update the details of an Employee based on their Employee Id. For this scenario, we need to define an update query in the SQL map as –follows:
<update id="EMPLOYEE_UPDATE_MYAPP" parameterClass ="java.util.HashMap"> UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET EMP_NAME = #EmployeeName#, MOB_NO = #mobileNum# WHERE EMP_ID = #EmployeeId# </update>
And the corresponding code for executing this update would be –as follows:
List<Map> allEmployees = null; HashMap empDataToUpdate = getEmpDataToUpdate(); try { DatabaseRequest dbRequest = new DatabaseRequest(); dbRequest.setDataAccessMapKey("EMPLOYEE"); dbRequest.setOperation(DatabaseConstants.UPDATE) dbRequest.setOperationExtension("MYAPP"); dbRequest.addData(empDataToUpdate); //Set the complete data that needs to be updated dbRequest.execute(); //Execute the update. } catch (DatabaseException dbException) { //Handle the exception appropriately. }