Delete Operation
Assume that the scenario is to delete a record from the Employee table based on the Employee ID. A SQL map of the following format –is suitable for the delete operation:
<delete id="EMPLOYEE_DELETE_MYAPP" parameterClass ="java.util.HashMap"> DELETE EMPLOYEE WHERE EMP_ID = #EmployeeId# </delete>
And the corresponding code would be like -
try { DatabaseRequest dbRequest = new DatabaseRequest(); dbRequest.setDataAccessMapKey("EMPLOYEE"); dbRequest.setOperation(DatabaseConstants.DELETE) dbRequest.setOperationExtension("MYAPP"); dbRequest.addFilter(empIdToDelete); //Add the Emp Id to delete as filter DatabaseResult dbResult = dbRequest.execute(); //Execute the select. Logger.debug(" # rows deleted = " + dbResult.getNumberOfRowsAffected(); //Get the count of affected rows } catch (DatabaseException dbException) { //Handle the exception appropriately. }