Viewing status of generated report bursting
At the scheduled frequency, the report bursting gets generated and available in the Report Bursting window as shown in the following screen shot. Notifications are sent to the selected contacts on the configured channels when the reports in the burst configuration are generated. Reports generated from bursting are sent in email and are also stored in the default or custom folder on the application server or in the configured FTP folder.
If the Report Bursting is in Scheduling state, it means the report bursting is scheduled to start at the configured time interval and frequency.
Click the Refresh icon to view the updated status.
If the Report Bursting is in Active state, it means the report bursting is being executed in the configured time intervals. The status of the executed report bursting is displayed at the centre. A circle in green colour indicates 100% success of the report bursting.
To check the clients details, notification channel and criteria mapped for the selected bursting, click the Client and Criteria List.
To see the contacts mapped to the clients, click on the corresponding message or email icon in the notification channel.
You can also copy the mail id and phone numbers, by clicking the copy icon.
If the bursting instance is not completed for more than 4 hrs, it displays a Cancel In-Progress button, which enables the user to stop the processing state (like In-Progress, Re-triggered, and Queued) by failing the corresponding report instances in the report bursting.
A success message gets displayed as shown in the following screenshot.
After Cancel In Progress is selected, all the reports get failed. Mouse over the failed report to see the status message.