Mapping Criteria Group
Refer the following topics:
Criteria Group Mapping
To map criteria group to a particular corporate client, perform the following steps in eMACH-Sigma Studio:
On the home page of eMACH-Sigma Studio, click Manage > Criteria Group Mapping.
The Criteria Group Mapping screen appears.Click the Client lookup field on the top left side and select the appropriate corporate client, e.g. ABC BANK.
Enter a valid group name in Group Name field.
Select the appropriate criteria group from the Criteria Group drop-down list, e.g. ABC BANK.
NOTE:Once criteria group is selected from Criteria Group drop-down list, it automatically fetches the Criteria Type based on the configuration.
Choose the contacts available in Contacts drop-down list.
NOTE:Existing contacts or contact groups appear in the Contacts field. To create new contacts, refer Creating Contacts and Contact Groups.
Select the type of Notification Channel. In this example SMTP is chosen as the channel.
Click the Type minimum characters to search and enter the relevant data set criteria values to select the appropriate criteria values.
NOTE:The Type minimum characters to search is an optional field.
The specified number of minimum characters in the Criteria creation screen determines the number of characters that should be entered in the Type minimum characters to search field. If the Minimum Characters are provided as 2 in the Criteria creation screen, then the field name on the Criteria Group Mapping screen will be displayed as Type minimum 2 characters to search.
NOTE:What are the criteria values, you have configured before in the Client Criteria Mapping. Only those values will be available in Criteria Group Mapping.
Similarly, select the appropriate criteria values, as shown in the following screen shot:
To remove the selected criteria values, mouse-over the existing criteria value and click the cancel icon, as shown in the following screenshot:
Select the existing FTP data source that is configured with the server path from the Delivery Location DS drop-down list.
The Delivery Location DS is an optional field and displays the pre-configured data sources in the FTP connection. Refer Connectors – FTP for more information on creating FTP datasource for delivery location.
The Sub Path is an optional field and it indicates the sub-folder or sub-directory present within the configured FTP relative server path or the main folder path.Check the Target Delivery Path checkbox to publish the report to the specified Publisher Relative Path.
Enter the Custom File name in the Report Custom FileName field. To add report custom file name refer Configuring Custom File Name.
Select the format from the FORMAT TYPE drop down field to generate report in a required format for different clients through Report Bursting.
Click the Save icon to save the new criteria group mapping.
NOTE:When you try to exit the Criteria Group Mapping screen, before saving the configured client criteria mapping values, a warning pop-up message appears, as shown in the following screen shot:
· Click No, if you do not want to exit the Criteria Group Mapping screen.· Click Yes, if you want to exit the Criteria Group Mapping screen.
A confirmation message, indicating the successful mapping of the criteria group mapping, appears.Click Ok.
NOTE:On the Criteria Group Mapping screen, while editing the mapped criteria values, the data values of the Key Column (e.g. BENE_ACC_NO) for the selected Criteria Type (e.g. NEW) will only get displayed, as shown in the following screen shot:
To view the data values of the Display Columns (e.g. DEBIT_ACC_NO, BENE_NAME, PAYMENT_TYPE, PAYMENT_CCY) for the selected Criteria Type (e.g. NEW), click the Show Description option, as shown in the following screen shot:
After you click the Show Description option, the selected data sets of both the Key and Display Columns for the mapped criteria values will get displayed, as shown in the following screen shot:
Editing a criteria group mapping
Perform the following steps to edit a criteria group mapping.
On the home page of eMACH-Sigma Studio, click Manage > Criteria Group Mapping.
The Criteria Group Mapping screen appears.Click the existing criteria group mapping, e.g. Initiator group.
You can change the Group Name, Contacts, Criteria Values, and Delivery Location Ds field, Custom file name and format type fields.
The Criteria Group Mapping screen appears as shown on the following screenshot:Mouse-over the existing criteria values to add or cancel the values.
Click Save to save the changes to the criteria group mapping.
Deleting a criteria group mapping
Perform the following steps to delete a criteria group mapping.
On the home page of eMACH-Sigma Studio, click Manage > Criteria Group Mapping.
The Criteria Group Mapping screen appears as shown on the following screenshot:Mouse-over the existing criteria group mapping to delete the group mapping, e.g. Initiator group.
Delete the group mapping by clicking the Delete icon.
A confirmation message, indicating deletion of group mapping, appears.Click Yes.