DataEntitlements Class
This is the value object that is used to return the response for Data level Entitlement queries. The key point to note is that the IEntitlementSource implementation should explicitly set the entitlement evaluation result using the setEntitled(boolean) API. If this is not done, the framework assumes that the entitlement check has failed and handles the flow appropriately.
The details of the APIs are mentioned in the following table:
Attribute / Operation | Purpose |
public List<ProductFunctionVO> getEntitlements() | Gets or sets the entitlements hierarchy. |
public boolean isEntitled() | Gets or sets the flag as to whether the user is entitled. |
public String getErrorCode() | Gets or sets the error code that can be used for logging / display to the user as appropriate within the flow if there is a failure in the entitlement check. |
public List<CanvasCriteriaTypeMap> getEntitledCriteiraValues(String productCode, String subProductCode, String functionCode) | This is the Helper method to retrieve the criteria values for a combination of product, sub product, and function |