Improve Business Reports with Charts

Improve Business Reports with Charts

Canvas enables you to display charts from different or same datasources on reports by configuring the chart settings while creating the report in Sigma Studio. The charts need to be created using App Designer in Sigma Studio. While configuring the report, the chart app (widget) must be mapped using the Template Designer.

To display charts on the reports, it is necessary to perform the following system pre-requisites on the environment, where Sigma is to be deployed:

  1. Download PhantomJS and store the installable or executable file in the Sigma work folder on the environment, e.g. ../Sigma/phantomjs/phantomjs.exe.
  2. Make sure that you mention the PhantomJS file name in the PHANTOMJS_FILE_NAME property on the Sigmainforreportconfig.properties file as shown on the following screenshot.

    Sample File Location in Tomcat Server: <Tomcat-Installed-Folder>\webapps\sigma\WEB-INF\lib\SigmaResources.jar\Sigmainforreportconfig.properties

    • If you use Windows OS, mention the file name on the PHANTOMJS_FILE_NAME property as phantomjs.exe.
    • If you use Linux or Unix OS, mention the file name on the PHANTOMJS_FILE_NAME property as phantomjs.
  3. Make sure that you mention the Sigma report headless URL in the REPORT_SVG_HEADLESS_URL property on the Sigmainforreportconfig.properties file as shown on the following screenshot.

Refer the following pages:

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