Configuring an Incremental Report - Sample 3

Configuring an Incremental Report - Sample 3

In the following example, let's see how to configure an Incremental Report with data filters applied using the Timestamp data type. For incremental reports configured with Timestamp as data filters, the business data of the incremental report will be fetched on the basis of the data filters applied for the selected Timestamp range.

To configure an Incremental Report with data filters applied using the Timestamp data type, perform the following steps in Sigma Studio:

  1. On the home page of Sigma Studio, click Manage > Report.

    The Information Report screen appears.

  2. Enter a unique ID in the Report Id field, e.g. Transaction_Details.

    No blank spaces and special characters should be used in the Report Id field. However, you can make use of the underscore symbol.

  3. Enter a unique name in the Report Name field, e.g. Transaction Details.

  4. Provide the other necessary details for the report, as shown in the following screen shot.

    For detailed information on creating reports, refer Configuring Reports.

  5. Click the selected column in the Select Filterable Columns field to configure an incremental report, e.g. TIMESTAMP.

    For configuring incremental reports in Sigma Studio, you must select the filterable column with the data type of Date, DateTime or Timestamp. If you select the filterable column with other data types such as string or float, then you will not be able to configure incremental reports. If you configure an incremental report with the Date data type, the report must be generated only once in the Sigma Application depending on the selected date. For instance, if an incremental report, consisting of transactions data is generated in the Sigma Application, then the generated incremental report will only display the data of the transactions that were successfully carried out on the selected date. If the same incremental report is generated again for the same selected date, then the report generation will eventually get failed. 

    The Filter Column Configuration pop-up appears.

  6. Click the Filter Type drop-down list and select an appropriate filter type, e.g. Timestamp

    The available filter types are: Date, Datetime and Timestamp.

  7. To assign the selected Timestamp filter type as the mandatory filter for the configured report, you must enable the Is Mandatory Filter toggle option. However, the Is Mandatory Filter toggle is an optional field.  

  8. Enter the minimum and maximum date period in the Min Value Expression and Max Value Expression fields.

    The Min Value Expression and Max Value Expression are optional fields. You can enter the date period in the terms of years, months, weeks and days to set the minimum and maximum date ranges in the Min Value Expression and Max Value Expression fields. You can even specifically enter the date period in either years or months to assign the minimum and maximum date ranges in the Min Value Expression and Max Value Expression fields. For instance, if you enter -1y and +1y in the Min Value Expression and Max Value Expression fields, then you can select the dates only between the selected date of the previous year and the exact selected date of the upcoming year. If the selected or current date is May 12, 2022, and the Min Value Expression and Max Value Expression are provided as -1y and +1y respectively, then you can select the dates only between the range of 12 May, 2021 and 12 May, 2023.

  9. Enable the Is Incremental toggle option to set the configured report as an incremental report.

  10. To assign the unique or business key for the incremental report, enable the Is Business Key Based toggle option.
    1. Click the Business Key Columns drop-down list and select the appropriate business key, e.g. TIMESTAMP.

      The selected filterable column on the Information Report screen is the unique or business key. Here, the selected filterable column is TIMESTAMP and the TIMESTAMP column is selected as the Business Key Column. For the business key-based incremental reports, the Delay Time cannot be specified. In case, if you do not want to configure the business key-based incremental reports, then you can turn off or disable the Is Business Key Based toggle option. 

  11. Specify the delay time for the configured incremental report in the Delay Time field, e.g. 5.

    The Delay Time is an optional field. A maximum of 1800 seconds can be specified as the delay time.

    As incremental reports display only the data that has changed since the last report generation, you can introduce a time delay to fetch the updated data from the last run. For example, let's consider a hourly incremental report and its last generation was at 4 PM. The next incremental report generation is at 5 PM. If suppose, you need to see just the data that has changed from 4 pm till 4:55 pm (55 minutes) only. You can use this field to specify a time delay in seconds, e.g. 300 seconds (5 minutes). When the 5 PM incremental report is generated, the report displays data that has changed between 4 pm and 4:55 pm and not till 5 pm because of 5 minutes delay.

  12. Select the increment data reset frequency from the Incremental Data Reset Frequency drop-down list, e.g. Weekly.

    The Incremental Data Reset Frequency is an optional field and can be used to define a reset frequency for the incremental report file name.

    The frequencies available to reset the incremental report file name are Daily, Weekly and Monthly. For example, if Weekly frequency is chosen, the incremental report files are named in sequence till the end of the week. At the beginning of each week, the naming sequence is reset.

    You can specify a naming convention for report file using the Report Custom FileName field on the Additional Info tab.

  13. On the Information Report screen, click Save to save the report.

    A confirmation message, indicating a successful save of the report, appears.

  14. Click Ok.

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