Environment Options

Environment Options

Sigma enables you to configure the environment options for controlling the positions of the configured components in your end application and additionally, you can adjust the positions of the context menus, toast messages and other configurable actions which facilitate the application usage. Using Sigma Studio, the environment options can be configured in accordance with your needs and requirements. You can view the assigned values for controlling the positions of the configured components by accessing the browser console from the web page of the end application (e.g. Sigma). 

The key benefits of configuring the Environment Options are as follows:

  • By making use of the environment options, you can even control the exact positions and sizing adjustments for the Sigma components like apps (widgets), forms, reports, layouts (sub-workspaces) and workspaces (dashboards), which usually get rendered in the end application (e.g. Sigma) based on the provided configurations in Studio.
  • Additionally, you can even configure the rendering of the load mask and the positioning of the tool tips easily by making use of simple and handy configuration steps.

Refer the following page for detailed information on configuring the environment options in Sigma Studio:

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