Configuring Environment Options

Configuring Environment Options

To configure the environment options for assigning the positions and sizing adjustments of the configured Sigma components to get rendered with acute positioning attributes in the Sigma Application, perform the following steps in Sigma Studio:

  1. On the home page of Sigma Studio, click Manage > Env Options.

    The Env Options page appears.

  2. Click the drop-down list to view and configure the environment options.

    The list of the environment options appears.

  3. The list of the environment options for each of the category is specified in the following table:

    The Sigma components will get rendered in the Sigma Application based on the configurations provided for each of the environment options in Studio. None of the environment options are mandatory for selection, but however if you want to save the environment options by clicking the Submit button, then it is essential that you modify at least one of the provided environment options.


    Environment Options



    Enable Logging

    To enable the logging mechanism as a global method.

    Menu Display TypeTo enable the menu display type for the apps or widgets.

    Enable Tooltip No Conflict

    To make use of the tooltips without any conflicting and mismatched tooltip messages.

    Double Click DelayTo enable a delay for the double-click actions.
    Show App DockerTo enable the app docker.
    Sync Data LimitTo sync the data limit when the configured components like dashboards and widgets get rendered in the end application (e.g. Sigma).
    Enable Sticky Menu Layout SideBarTo enable the sticky sidebar on using the menu application layout in the end application (e.g. Sigma).
    Is Tabs Shown as Drop DownTo enable the showcasing of tabs as drop-down lists so that when the tab application layout is applied for the end application, the workspaces or dashboards in the form of tabs, will get displayed as drop-down lists.
    WCAG ModeTo enable the Web Accessibility Content Guidelines (WCAG) Mode.
    AJAXEnable Global Validation HandlerTo enable the global validation handler to process the Ajax-based server-side requests.
    Server Validation Message PositionTo control the position of the displayed server validation messages.
    FormAmount Integral Values EnabledTo enable the integral values for the configured Amount form item in a form.
    Error Label PositionTo control the position of an error label for a form item in a form.
    Help Label PositionTo control the position of a help label for a form item in a form.
    Value Change Idle TimeTo control the idle time when the value changes are applied in forms.
    Validate On Key PressTo control the validation for key presses while providing inputs in a form.
    Format On Key PressTo control the format of the key presses while providing inputs in a form.
    Show Date Picker On FocusTo highlight a particular date picker form item on the focus.
    Show Any Date Picker On FocusTo highlight the data picker form items on the focus in the configured form.
    Disable Input on Date PickerTo disable inputs for the date picker form items.
    Validate Wizard Step ChangeTo validate the step changes in the Form Wizard.
    Show Validation Success IconTo show or display the success icon on a successful validation of a mandatory form item in a configured form.
    Show Placeholder LabelTo show the placeholder label text in a form item.
    Default Select If Single ValueTo enable the selection of a default single value in the data selection form items.
    Trigger Change If Single ValueTo trigger the changes for single values in the data selection form items.
    Enable Unselect On ClickTo enable the deselection of a form item on performing a single-click action.
    Show Item CounterTo display the form item counter for the selected form item.
    Set AutoComplete OffTo disable the form autocompletion.
    Show Item Add RemoveTo show the add and remove icons for the form items.
    Enable Tab DOM CacheTo enable the DOM (Document Object Model) caching for the tab-based form items.
    Stop Key Press On Max LenTo disable the key press on the specified maximum length for a form item.
    Show Clear on MandatoryTo show the clear icon to replace the provided inputs for the mandatory form items.
    Enable Padding ZerosTo enable the padding zeros for the numerical form items like Amount.
    Raise Tab Change on API CallTo enable the tab change process on the trigger of an API call initiated through the Event Wiring.
    Load Add Data From LocalTo load the added data on using the Additional Data Call for the selected form item.
    Max Upload File LengthTo control the length of a file name for the uploaded file.
    Enable Single Click Action on Double-ClickTo enable the single-click action on performing the double-click mouse action.
    Show Currency SymbolTo showcase the currency symbol for the numerical form items like Amount.
    Hide Parent Container on Visible IndicatorTo hide the parent form container on making use of the Visible Indicator option.
    Show State IconTo enable the state icon of the provided inputs for each of the form item in a form.
    Show State Icon at Individual InputTo enable the state icon of the provided inputs for a particular form item in a form.
    Single File Upload ModeTo enable the upload of single file types.
    Value Change on Key PressTo trigger the value changes on the usage of key press in the selected form item.
    Date Picker ModeDesktopTo enable the date picker usage for the Desktop channel.
    MobileTo enable the date picker usage for the Mobile channel.
    TabletTo enable the date picker usage for the Tablet channel.
    SliderThemeTo enable the usage of the color-based themes for the slider form item.
    Data StateIn ActiveTo show the active data state of the forms. The data state will be displayed for the active form items with inputs. 
    Current StateTo show the current data state of the forms. The data state will be displayed for all of the form items with or without inputs. 
    Auto SuggestClear Value On FocusTo make the values populated in the Auto Suggest to get disappeared on the focus.
    No of SuggestionsTo control the number of suggestions to be displayed in the Auto Suggest form item.
    Show All on FocusTo make the values populated in the Auto Suggest to get displayed on the focus
    WorkspaceForce Reload WorkspaceTo enable the forced reloading of a workspace or dashboard.
    Clear Workspace ContextTo clear the context menus configured as part of the selected workspaces.
    Enable Previous SWS DOMTo enable the DOM (Document Object Model) for the previously used layouts or sub-workspaces in an existing workspace or dashboard.
    Enable Bread CrumbsTo enable breadcrumbs or web-based page navigation in the end application (e.g. Sigma).
    Enable WS Menu Double-ClickTo enable the selection of a workspace menu with a double-click action.
    WidgetPage Navigator Button ModeTo enable the buttons for the page navigation.
    Enable DNDTo enable the Do-Not-Disturb (DND) mode.
    Context Menu as App Render TypeTo render the context menu as an app or a widget.
    Show Hide MenuTo showcase the Show or Hide menu for the configured widgets..
    Pre Load WidgetsTo enable the pre-loading of the configured widgets for smooth transition in rendering the widgets.
    Swipe Item Action WidthTo enable the swipe item action width for widgets.
    Enable Load On ScrollTo enable the loading of records in a widget on making use of the scroll bar.
    Hide Column Header on No DataTo hide the column headers if the widget comprises no data.
    Grid View ModeTo enable the view mode for the grid widgets.
    Show Chart Custom ToolTo display the custom tools for charts.
    Enable Content Scroll on MaximizeTo enable the content scroll on the maximum scroll limit.
    Enable Bbar Double-ClickTo enable the double-click action on the button bars configured in the widgets.
    Enable Context Menu Double-ClickTo enable the double-click action for the configured context menu in a widget.
    Enable Default Context MenuTo enable the usage of a default context menu in a widget.
    Disable Default Context MenuTo disable the usage of a default context menu in a widget.
    Context Click Shortcut KeyTo enable a shortcut key for accessing the context menu in a configured widget.
    Context Click Key EventTo enable a key click for accessing the context menu in a configured widget.
    Save As View Name Max LengthTo control the maximum length of a widget that needs to be exported or saved as a new instance.
    Multiple Show Hide ColumnsTo enable the selection and hiding of different columns in a widget.
    Filter RefreshTo enable the refresh for the applied data filters in a widget.
    Show Filter BadgesTo show the data filter badges in a widget.
    Pagination PositionTo show the pagination position in a configured widget.
    Initial Child Widget CountTo set the initial count for the child widgets.
    Pagination Types MapClassicTo select the pagination type for the classic grid app.
    CustomTo select the pagination type for the custom app.
    PagingTo select the pagination type for the paging grid app.
    ListTo select the pagination type for the list grid app.
    GroupTo select the pagination type for the grouping grid app.
    Advanced GroupTo select the pagination type for the advanced grouping grid app.
    PropertyTo select the pagination type for the property grid app.
    Load MaskHide After Workspace LoadedTo hide the load mask after a workspace gets rendered or loaded properly in the end application (e.g. Sigma).
    Show Widget Load MaskTo enable the load mask before the contents of the particular widget get loaded.
    Delay Load Mask TimerTo set the delay timer for the load mask.
    Delay Load Mask Closer TimerTo set the delay timer for the closure of the load mask.
    Show Load MaskWidgetTo enable the load mask before the contents of all the configured widgets get loaded.
    FormTo enable the load mask before the contents of all the configured forms get loaded.
    ModalDialog SizeTo set the dialog size for a modal window.
    ReportToast PositionTo set the toast message position for a report. On adding the data filter for an added column in a report, the toast message will appear and this option will enable to choose a position for the toast message.
    App ShortcutEnable Double-ClickTo enable the double-click action for accessing the configured app shortcut.
  4. In the provided example, the Toast Position environment option has been chosen as top-right, which indicates that the toast message would be displayed on the top right side for the report in Sigma Application. The Toast Position configuration is showcased in the following screen shot:

  5. Click Submit to save the configured environment options.

    A confirmation message, indicating a successful save, appears:

  6. Click Ok.

Viewing the Applied Environment Options in Sigma

To view the applied environment options in Sigma Application, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Sigma Application using your credentials.

  2. On accessing the Sigma Application, press F12 to access the browser console to check the applied toast position for the report. The following sample code snippet and the subsequent screen shot serve as a sample reference to be used in the browser console for checking the applicability of the relevant toast message position configured as part of the Toast Position environment option.

    ct.env.options.report.toastPosition = top-right

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