SWIFT MT940 Template
With Sigma, you can generate the SWIFT format reports, which are statements for transaction communication between the bank users. The following screenshot shows a sample SWIFT MT940 statement in text format created using the text template in Sigma Studio.
SWIFT MT940 also called as Customer Statement Message, is an account statement that provides detailed information about all the entries booked to an account.
The text template feature is applicable for the TXT report format only.
The SWIFT MT940 template that is used for the sample report on this page is as follows:
<#if Records?has_content> <#assign record=Records[0] /> <#assign firstRecord=record.Records[0] /> {1:F01${firstRecord.SENDER_BIC}0000000000}{2:${firstRecord.RECEIVER_BIC}}{4: :20:${firstRecord.TRANS_REF_NUMBER} :25:${firstRecord.ACC_IDENTIFICATION} :28C:${firstRecord.STATEMENT_NUMBER} :60F:${firstRecord.BALANCE_INDICATOR}${firstRecord.STATEMENT_DATE?string("yyMMdd")}${firstRecord.CURRENCY_CODE}${firstRecord.OPENING_BALANCE?string("0.00")?replace(".", ",")} <#assign CLOSING_BALANCE=firstRecord.OPENING_BALANCE /> <#list Records as record> :61:${record.TRANS_VALUE_DATE?string("yyMMdd")}${record.TRANS_ENTRY_DATE?string("MMdd")}${record.TRANS_INDICATOR}${record.TRANS_AMOUNT?string("0.00")?replace(".", ",")}${record.TRANSFER_TYPE?substring(0,1)}${record.TRANS_CODE}${record.TRANS_NUMBER} :86:${record.BRANCH_CODE}${record.RMTTR_TXN_REF} ${record.PAYER_ID} ${record.BANCK_DESC} <#if record.TRANS_INDICATOR = "C"> <#assign CLOSING_BALANCE = CLOSING_BALANCE + record.TRANS_AMOUNT> <#else> <#assign CLOSING_BALANCE = CLOSING_BALANCE - record.TRANS_AMOUNT> </#if> </#list> :62F:${firstRecord.BALANCE_INDICATOR}${firstRecord.STATEMENT_DATE?string("yyMMdd")}${firstRecord.CURRENCY_CODE}${CLOSING_BALANCE?string("0.00")?replace(".", ",")} -} </#if>
In the SWIFT MT940 template, the tags refer to certain data related to the financial transaction, e.g. 20 refers to Transaction Reference Number, 25 refers to Account Identification Number and 28C refers to Statement Number.
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