Configuring FTP Server for Reports

Configuring FTP Server for Reports


To configure a FTP server location for reports storage, a FTP server connection needs to be configured first. To configure the FTP server connection, refer Connectors – FTP.

For configuring the reports to be sent to the FTP server, perform the following steps in Sigma Studio:

  1. In Sigma Studio, access the Information Report screen and configure the report with the relevant and appropriate configurations, as shown in the following screen shot:

    For detailed information on creating reports, refer Configuring Reports

  2. Click the Additional Info tab.

  3. Click the Publishers drop-down list and select the FTP option.

  4. Click FTP in Publishers dropdown field.

  5. Select Publishers Data Source Id pop-up appears on the screen.

  6. Click the Publisher Datasource lookup field and select the relevant FTP data source, e.g. FTP_PF_DS

  7. Click Report Custom FileName to add custom file name for the FTP report. 
    • Enter the '@' key in the Report Custom FileName field to view the list of variables available for the report custom file name.

    • In the following example, the provided custom file name pattern is "REPORT_NAME+'_'+DAY" and so the file name convention will be "REPORTNAME_DAY"

  8. Once the report is configured with essential attributes, click Save to save the report.

    For detailed information on sending reports to the FTP server from Sigma Application, refer Sending Reports to FTP Server.

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