Adding Form Item to the Sample Form
Add the following form items to the payment form from the left pane on the form designer:
- Text boxes
- Label
- Date
- Checkbox
- Buttons
Configure the properties of the form items as tabulated:
Item ID | Anchor | Display Name Key | Mandatory Text | Visibility | Edit | Hide Label |
TXT_DBIT_AC_NO | 100 | DBIT_AC_NO | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
TXT_DBIT_AC_NAME | 100 | DBIT_AC_NAME | Yes | Yes | ||
TXT_BEN_AC_NO | 100 | BEN_AC_NO | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
TXT_BEN_AC_NAME | 100 | BEN_AC_NAME | Yes | Yes | ||
TXT_TRANS_AMNT | 100 | TRANS_AMNT | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
TRANS_DATE | 100 | TRANS_DATE | Yes | Yes | ||
CHKBX_TERMS | 100 | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
For detailed configuration of Form Items, refer the section, Form Items.
After configuring the form items, add the label texts in the property file. For example, the label keys of the Payment Transactions form should be added in files as their form is mapped with the bundle key 'common'.
In the file, add the following labels text:
#form title label LBL_PAYMENT_TRANS = Domestic Fund Transfer #form item labels LBL_DBIT_AC_NO = Debit Account No LBL_DBIT_AC_NAME = Account Name LBL_BEN_AC_NO = Beneficiary Account No LBL_BEN_AC_NAME = Beneficiary Account Name LBL_TRANS_AMNT = Transfer Amount LBL_TRANS_DATE = Transaction Date LBL_ACCEPT_TERMS = I have read all the terms and conditions
Canvas expects the property keys to be such that 'LBL' + Display Name Key in the property file.