Adding Static content in Reports using Template Designer

Adding Static content in Reports using Template Designer

Perform the following additional steps to add static content on the reports:

  1. Click Template Designer icon on the Report Maintenance tab.

    The Template Designer screen appears with the list report parts on the left and the list of columns under the columns tab () on the right as shown:

    By default, the Page Header and Page Footer options are disabled. You need toggle on those options if required and then proceed.

  2. Once you select the report part on the left-navigation, a design section appears as shown in the following screen shot:

  3. Click the Resource Bundle () tab. A list of existing resource bundle keys appears under this tab.

  4. Click Add RB key to create a new resource bundle key.

  5. A new RB key window appears. Provide all the necessary details and click Save.

  6. Drag and drop the created RB key into the main section.

  7. Click Save to save the template designer configurations.

  8. Perform the other configurations in Sigma Studio and generate the report in Sigma Application.

    Refer Configuring a Simple Report for detailed information on configuring simple reports in Sigma Studio. To generate a report in Sigma Application, refer Generating a Report.

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