Configuration Descriptor: Export
This key contains the bundle name that provides the configuration specific to Export Module.
Config Key | Mandatory/ Optional | Type | Purpose |
Category: App data export specific configuration | |||
XML_FOLDER_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of the temporary XML folder that contains the export related XML, XSL, and image files for export. |
XSL_FOLDER_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of the folder where Canvas must download the Excel files. |
PDF_FOLDER_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of the folder where Canvas must download the PDF files. |
OFX_FOLDER_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of the folder where Canvas must download the OFX file. |
RTF_FOLDER_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of the folder where Canvas must download the RTF file. |
XSLT_PATH | Mandatory | File Name | This key is used to provide the path and XSLT file, which defines all the report page format, report page header, and footer content. |
DETAIL_XSLT_PATH | Mandatory | File Name | This key is used to provide the path and XSLT file, which defines all the report content style, format, report title, and logo position. |
XSLT_RTL_PATH | Mandatory | File Name | This key is used to provide the path and XSLT file for the RTL positioned reports, which defines all the report page format, report page header, and footer content. |
DETAIL_XSLT_RTL_PATH | Mandatory | File Name | This key is used to provide the path and XSLT file for the RTL positioned reports, which defines all the report content style, format, report title, and logo position. |
Category: FOP Configuration for embedding Arabic fonts in the data export file | |||
FOP_USERCONFIG_PATH | Mandatory | File Name | This key is used to provide the User Configuration file used for Arabic Font embedding for RTL Support. |
Category: Configuration for data export from Forms | |||
APPLICATION_LOGO | Mandatory | File Name | This key is used to provide the application logo, which is used across the application and also can be added on the form using the Form Item 'Logo'. The image can be a PNG, GIF, or JPG file. |
XSL_IMAGE_PATH | Mandatory | File Name | This key is used to provide the logo that appears on the reports header. |
FONT_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path where all the fonts are available. |
FILE_DOWNL | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the standard root directory for file downloading. |
Category: Configuration for printing | |||
HTML_FOLDER_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of exported HTML files from where Canvas must print them. |
CSV_FOLDER_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of exported CSV files from where Canvas must print them. |
XML_PRINT_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of exported XML files from where Canvas must print them. |
PAGE_TITLE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the text that appears as title while printing. |
Category: Configurations related Chart export | |||
ORG_PDF_FILE_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path where Canvas must use to export the ORG Charts. |
CHART_IMAGE_FILE_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path where Canvas must use to export the Charts as JPG file. |
Category: Configuration for data export errors | |||
SESSION_TIMEOUT_URL | Mandatory | URL | This key is used to provide the URL to be used when the current user's session expires. |
CONTEXT_PATH | Mandatory | URL | This key is used to provide the context path of the application. |
LBL_ERROR_TITLE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the title text of the error messages. |
LBL_OK_BTN | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the label text for OK button. |
LBL_REFERENCE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the label text for reference information. |
SYSERROR | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the message text, when the system abruptly stops to respond or any system error occurs. |
Category: Configuration to export from Forms | |||
FORM_PDF_FILE_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path, which Canvas must use for forms exported as PDF. |
FORM_HTML_FILE_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path, which Canvas must use for forms printed as PDF HTML content. |
EXPORT_FOOTER_TEXT | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the text that appears in the footer of the PDF or HTML content of the form. |
REQ_MODELER_VALIDATION_PATH | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path, which Canvas must use for while exporting Request Modeler validations. |
Category: Search results export | |||
SEARCH_RESULT_EXPORT_REQD | Mandatory | Boolean | This key is used to provide a value to decide whether to display Total Search Results or not when filter content is exported. The applicable values are:
Category: Form print/export font config | |||
LTR_FONT_FOR_FORM_EXPORT | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide a value to decide the font to be used for printing the form data in Left-To-Right writing language. |
RTL_FONT_FOR_FORM_EXPORT | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide a value to decide the font to be used for printing the form data in Right-To-Left writing language. |
The following is a sample export configuration (as per the name given in the default descriptor):
# This file contains the export related configuration information for data export functionality. # 1. The 'forReports' folder needs to be created in the server system for the Canvas application # export activity. Example folder structure, for windows - /forReports # for unix/linux - /usr/SIR0654/Canvas/forReports # 2. The properties which has paths configured should be relative to the root path that is # configured as CT_WORK_FOLDER_PATH in implementation property file. XML_FOLDER_PATH=/forReports/TempXML XSL_FOLDER_PATH=/forReports/GeneratedEXCEL PDF_FOLDER_PATH=/forReports/GeneratedPDF OFX_FOLDER_PATH=/forReports/GeneratedPDF RTF_FOLDER_PATH=/forReports/GeneratedRTF XSLT_PATH=/forReports/TempXML/cibreport.xsl DETAIL_XSLT_PATH=/forReports/TempXML/cibdetailreport.xsl XSLT_RTL_PATH=/forReports/TempXML/cibreport_rtl.xsl DETAIL_XSLT_RTL_PATH=/forReports/TempXML/cibdetailreport_rtl.xsl # CANVAS-FOP User Configuration file used for Arabic Font embedding for RTL Support. FOP_USERCONFIG_PATH=/forReports/TempXML/CanvasFopUserconfig.xml # For Form Export functionality APPLICATION_LOGO=/forReports/TempXML/headerlogo.png XSL_IMAGE_PATH=/forReports/TempXML/headerlogo.png FONT_PATH=/forReports/TempXML/fonts FILE_DOWNL=file:/// # For print functionality HTML_FOLDER_PATH=/forReports/GeneratedHTML CSV_FOLDER_PATH=/forReports/GeneratedCSV XML_PRINT_PATH=/forReports/GeneratedXML PAGE_TITLE=CanvasTechnology # Export Chart Component ORG_PDF_FILE_PATH = /forReports/GeneratedChartPDF # Generated chart image file path. CHART_IMAGE_FILE_PATH=/CHART_IMAGES # Export Service Servlet Error Messages. SESSION_TIMEOUT_URL=/CTModelHouse/index.jsp CONTEXT_PATH= /CTModelHouse LBL_ERROR_TITLE=Error LBL_OK_BTN =OK LBL_REFERENCE = Reference SYSERROR=Wewerenotabletocompleteyourrequestduetoasystemerror.Asaresult,noactionhasbeentaken.PleasecontactCustomerSupportforfurtherassistance. # For Form Export functionality FORM_PDF_FILE_PATH = /forReports/GeneratedFormPDF FORM_HTML_FILE_PATH = /forReports/GeneratedFormHTML EXPORT_FOOTER_TEXT=SampleText REQ_MODELER_VALIDATION_PATH = /Temp/ReqModeler_validations # Enabling/disabling search results in export # Y - search results shown # N - search results not shown SEARCH_RESULT_EXPORT_REQD = Y # Form print/export font config LTR_FONT_FOR_FORM_EXPORT=Helvetica RTL_FONT_FOR_FORM_EXPORT=TraditionalArabic