Configuration Descriptor: Multilingual
This key contains the bundle name that provides the configuration specific to Multilingual Module.
Config Key | Mandatory/ Optional | Type | Purpose |
CT_PROPERTY_LABELS | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the property file that CT uses to display label texts, list values in drop-down, error messages, and alerts. |
CT_LANG_COUNTRY_CODE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the supported locale keys.More than one language_Country codes are added with ',' separator. |
DEFUALT_PATH_FOR_BUNDLE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the default temp folder in the server system for the canvas application activity, e.g.
CT_LABELS_OVERRIDE_BUNDLE_NAME | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the properties file, which overrides the default canvas provided labels. |
CT_RBL_SOURCE_CLASS | Optional | String | This key is used to fetch resource bundles configured externally, such as Content Management Systems. The respective class must implement interface 'com.intellectdesign.canvas.resources.IResourceBundleSource'. |
The following is a sample multilingual configuration file (as per the name given in the default descriptor):
# file will be the default property file. # Other properties can be added with ',' separator. CT_PROPERTY_LABELS = common # Supported locals; More than one language_Country codes can be added with ',' separator. CT_LANG_COUNTRY_CODE = en_US,de_DE,ar_SA # This key will be the default temp folder in the server system for the Canvas application activity. # Example folder structure: # for windows - D:/Canvas/Temp # for unix/linux - /usr/SIR0654/Canvas/Temp # This path configured should be relative to the root path configured # as CT_WORK_FOLDER_PATH in implementation property file. DEFUALT_PATH_FOR_BUNDLE = /Temp # This key will be used to override the default labels provided by Canvas. CT_LABELS_OVERRIDE_BUNDLE_NAME = modelhouse # This key will be used to fetch resource bundles configured externally, such as Content Management Systems. # The respective class must implement interface 'com.intellectdesign.canvas.resources.IResourceBundleSource'. CT_RBL_SOURCE_CLASS = com.intellectdesign.canvas.config.multilingual.resources.CanvasDefaultResourceBundleSource
Refer the following page: