Configuration Descriptor: System Preferences
This key contains the bundle name that contains the configuration of preferences that applies to the entire web application.
Config Key | Mandatory/ Optional | Type | Purpose |
Category: Application related configuration | |||
APPLICATION_LAYOUTTYPE M_APPLICATION_LAYOUTTYPE T_APPLICATION_LAYOUTTYPE | Mandatory | LOV | This key is used to provide the entire application layout on the browser for Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet respectively. Possible values "TAB" or "CARD" or "EXCARD" or "APP" or "TABLE_TOP" or "MENU" or "TABBEDMENU". |
APPLICATION_ID | Optional | String | This key is used to define a unique identifier (ID) for the application being created using Canvas Technology. |
LANG_COUNTRY_CODE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the language country codes, which is used by the application. |
DEFAULT_CURR | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the default currency that is used by the application. |
DEFAULT_AMOUNT_FORMAT | Optional | String | This key is used to provide the default amount that is used by the application. |
DEFAULT_THEME | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the default theme of the application. |
DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the default font size of the application. |
SERVER_TIMEZONE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the database server time zone. For cloud environments, it is essential for you to make use of this key to specify the database server time zone in order to fetch the business data from the specified database server. |
HANDLER_PROPERTIES_FILE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the handlers. |
SHOW_TOOLS_AS_LINEAR | Mandatory | Boolean | This key is used to provide the apps tools rendering style. |
ENABLE_WIDGET_DATA_SHRINK | Mandatory | String | This key indicates whether the app needs to be shrunk or not. |
Category: Design Your Canvas configuration | |||
DYC_VALID_LAYOUT_CATAGORIES_FOR_APPSTORE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the list of layout categories that are needed for Design Your Canvas. |
DYC_ALLOWED_WIDGETS_LIMIT_FOR_APPSTORE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the total number of apps available for Design Your Canvas. |
DYC_INCLUDE_ALL_CATAGORY_IN_APPSTORE | Mandatory | Boolean | This key indicates whether to include all categories in design your canvas. |
DYC_CUSTOM_WORKSPACE_MENU_ITEMS | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the list of menu that is acceptable in Design Your Canvas. |
DYC_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the default workspace that is used by Design Your Canvas to get default menu. |
DYC_ENABLE_IND | Mandatory | Boolean | This key indicates whether to enable Design Your Canvas or not. |
Category: Configuration related to alert message template, positive and negative action buttons position, navigation in mobile etc. | |||
ALERT_TEMPLATE_PROP_FILE | Optional | String | This key provides the message template used for alert. The default value is message_templates. |
POS_BTN_ALIGN | Optional | String | This key provides the value that specifies the position of the Positive Action buttons on the form button bar. The applicable values are LEFT and RIGHT. |
NEG_BTN_ALIGN | Optional | String | This key provides the value that specifies the position of the Negative Action buttons on the form button bar. The applicable values are LEFT and RIGHT. |
M_NAVIGATION_ENABLED | Mandatory | Boolean | This key indicates whether to enable or disable the navigation in mobile. |
ENCRYPT_SERVER_CALLS | Mandatory | Boolean | This key indicates whether to encrypt each server call or not. |
ALERT_VIA_PIGGY_BACKFLAG | Optional | Boolean | This key indicates to enable or disable the piggy back flag. |
IMPL_TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PATH | Optional | String | This property defines path for the implementation templates used in the application. |
AUDIT_ENQUIRY_DATE_LIMIT | Mandatory | String | This property defines the duration limit in days for audit data. |
PREFIX_ENABLE | Optional | String | This property defines whether to add the prefix for live table entries. |
USER_ID | Optional | String | This property defines the user ID that is to be used for publishing scenerio using web services. |
BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY_ENABLED | Optional | String | This property defines whether backward compatibility for old APIs is required or not. |
Category: Application Header and Footer configuration | |||
ENABLE_HEADER | Mandatory | Boolean | This key is used to provide the property to enable or disable header in the application. |
ENABLE_FOOTER | Mandatory | Boolean | This key is used to provide the property to enable or disable footer in the application. |
EXCARD_LAYOUT_FOOTER | Mandatory | LOV | This key provides the property to set the footer for Excard layout. Possible values are APP or TABLE_TOP |
APPLICATION_LOGO | Mandatory | String | This property defines the Application logo. |
WS_MENU_RENDER_TYPE | Optional | String | This property defines the workspace menu render type. Possible values "RIBBON" or "ACCORDION". |
Category: System Level Component Preferences | |||
DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTE | Mandatory | String | This property sets the default color palette for the chart apps. |
WEEKENDS_TO_HIGHLIGHT | Mandatory | String | This property sets the weekends. This is a comma separated list of the weekends. Use 0 for Sunday, Use 1 for Monday, Use 2 for Tuesday, Use 3 for Wednesday, Use 4 for Thursday, Use 5 for Friday, and Use 6 for Saturday. |
FORM_CONTAINER_FULLSCREEN_IND | Optional | String | This key sets an indicator to enable form container full screen mode. |
AVAIL_CURRENCY_LIST | Optional | String | This property defines the currencies list for the application. |
AVAIL_THEME_LIST | Optional | String | This property defines the themes for the application. |
Category: Email server configuration | |||
EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME | Mandatory | String | This property defines the property file for email templates. |
smtp.enabletls | Optional | String | This property defines whether the Transport Layer Security (TLS) is enabled for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic mail (email) transmission or not. 'True' indicates TLS is enabled and 'False' indicates otherwise. | | Optional | String | This property defines the SMTP host. |
smtp.port | Optional | String | This property defines the port number of the SMTP server. |
smtp.credentials.username | Optional | String | This property defines the sender email address that will be used for 'Export to Email' feature. |
smtp.credentials.password | Optional | String | This property defines the password for the sender email address. |
EXPORT_TO_EMAIL_DATASOURCE | Optional | String | This property defines the path of the alert datasource that contains the function 'getAttachmentEncryptionPassword', which generates the encryption password for the email attachment. The default password for the attachment is first four characters of the logged-in user's name followed by the user's DOB, e.g. JOHN23011956. In case user's DOB is not found, the password will be JOHNXXXXXXXX. |
MAIL_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT | Optional | String | This property defines the maximum size limit of the email attachment. Default value is 5 MB. |
Category: Push Notification related | |||
fcm.server.key | Optional | String | This property defines the token that is used to connect with Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for enabling the push notification service. |
Category: Redesign Your Canvas configuration | |||
RYC_ENABLED_IND | Optional | String | This property defines an indicator to enable the Redesign Canvas feature. |
Category: Proxy server configuration | |||
HTTP_PROXY_HOST | Optional | String | This property defines the HTTP proxy host. The value must be defined in the system environment variables. |
HTTP_PROXY_PORT | Optional | String | This property defines the port number for the HTTP proxy. The value must be defined in the system environment variables. |
HTTPS_PROXY_HOST | Optional | String | This property defines the HTTPS proxy host. The value must be defined in the system environment variables. |
HTTPS_PROXY_PORT | Optional | String | This property defines the port number for the HTTPS proxy. The value must be defined in the system environment variables. |
Category: Browser Session configuration | |||
INVALID_SESSION_BROWSER_CLOSE_IND | Optional | String | This property defines an indicator to invalidate the session when the browser is closed. |
Category: Hybrid mobile app | |||
SYNC_CONFIG_AT_STARTUP | Optional | String | This property defines whether the data synchronization configuration that runs on Hybrid mobile application at startup is required or not. |
The following is a sample system preference configuration (as per the name given in the default descriptor):
# This property will define the application layout. Possible values "TAB" or "CARD" or # "EXCARD" or "APP" or "TABLE_TOP" or "MENU" or "TABBEDMENU". APPLICATION_LAYOUTTYPE = CARD M_APPLICATION_LAYOUTTYPE = MENU T_APPLICATION_LAYOUTTYPE = MENU # This property will define the unique ID for the application. APPLICATION_ID = MODELHOUSE # This property will define the language country codes that will be used by the application. LANG_COUNTRY_CODE = en_US # This property will define the default currency that will be used by the application. DEFAULT_CURR = USD # This property will define the default amount that will be used by the application. DEFAULT_AMOUNT_FORMAT = USA # This property will define the default theme of the application. DEFAULT_THEME = blue # This property will define the default font size of the application. DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = Medium # This property will define the server time zone. SERVER_TIMEZONE = 45 # The value of 45 indicates the database server time zone code of India # This property will define the handlers. HANDLER_PROPERTIES_FILE = handler # This property will define the tools rendering style. SHOW_TOOLS_AS_LINEAR = N # This property will define the widget needs to be shrink or not. ENABLE_WIDGET_DATA_SHRINK = N # This property will define the list of layouts categories needed for Design Your Canvas DYC_VALID_LAYOUT_CATAGORIES_FOR_APPSTORE = Stack,Two-Column,Three-Column # This property will define the widget limit for Design Your Canvas DYC_ALLOWED_WIDGETS_LIMIT_FOR_APPSTORE = 9 # This property will define an indicator to include all categories in design your canvas. DYC_INCLUDE_ALL_CATAGORY_IN_APPSTORE = Y # This property will define the list of menu that are acceptable in Design Your Canvas DYC_CUSTOM_WORKSPACE_MENU_ITEMS = CT_CHILD_MENU1,CT_TAB_WSPACE,CT_STACK_WSPACE1,CT_STACK_WSPACE2,CT_STACK_WSPACE3 # This property will define the default workspace that will be used by Design Your Canvas to get default menu DYC_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE = CT_TAB_WSPACE # This property will define an indicator to enable Design Your Canvas DYC_ENABLE_IND = Y # This property will define the property file for alert templates ALERT_TEMPLATE_PROP_FILE = message_templates # This property will define the position of positive buttons in form container POS_BTN_ALIGN = LEFT # This property will define the position of negative buttons in form container NEG_BTN_ALIGN = RIGHT # This property will define an indicator to enable the navigational property for mobile M_NAVIGATION_ENABLED = Y # This property will define an indicator to enable the encryption in the Request/Response ENCRYPT_SERVER_CALLS = N # This property is to enable or disable piggy back flag ALERT_VIA_PIGGY_BACKFLAG = Y # This property is to enable or disable header of the application ENABLE_HEADER = Y # This property is to enable or disable footer of the application ENABLE_FOOTER = Y # This property is to set the footer of excard layout to be APP or TABLE_TOP EXCARD_LAYOUT_FOOTER = APP # This property is to set the default color palette for the chart apps DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTE = 008ED6,F6BD0F,006600,F26D7D,ABA000,588526,008ED6,9D080D,CC6600,6DCFF6,AA4643,89A54E,80699B,3D96AE, DB843D,92A8CD,A47D7C,B5CA92,008ED6,9D080D,A186BE,CC6600,FDC689,ABA000,F26D7D,FFF200,0054A6,F7941C,CC3300,006600,663300, 6DCFF6,008ED6,F6BD0F,006600,F26D7D,ABA000,588526,008ED6,9D080D,CC6600,6DCFF6,AA4643,89A54E,80699B,3D96AE,DB843D,92A8CD, A47D7C,B5CA92,008ED6,9D080D,A186BE,CC6600,FDC689,ABA000,F26D7D,FFF200,0054A6,F7941C,CC3300,006600,663300,6DCFF6 # This property is to set the weekends.This is a comma separated list of the week ends # Use 0 for Sunday, Use 1 for Monday, Use 2 for Tuesday, Use 3 for Wednesday, # Use 4 for Thursday, Use 5 for #Friday, Use 6 for Saturday WEEKENDS_TO_HIGHLIGHT = 0,6 # This property will define the property file for email templates EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = mail_templates # This property will define an indicator to enable form container full screen mode FORM_CONTAINER_FULLSCREEN_IND = N # This property will define an indicator to enable redesign canvas RYC_ENABLED_IND = Y # This property will define the workspace menu render type. Possible values "RIBBON" or "ACCORDION". WS_MENU_RENDER_TYPE = RIBBON # This property will define the Application LOGO. APPLICATION_LOGO = /images/CT-logo.png # This property will define implementation path IMPL_TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PATH = templates/html/ # This property will define the duration limit in days for audit data AUDIT_ENQUIRY_DATE_LIMIT = 90 # This property will define the availability currencies AVAIL_CURRENCY_LIST = EUR,VEF,GBP,USD,EUR,USD,AED,AUD,ANG,KWD,JPY,INR,VND # This property will define the availability Themes AVAIL_THEME_LIST = RED,BLUE,GREEN,BLACK,WHITE,LIGHTBLUE,GRAY,ROYALBLUE,CANVAS # This property will define whether the Sync Configuration that runs at hybrid application startup is required or not. SYNC_CONFIG_AT_STARTUP = Y # This property will define the prefix enable for live table entry PREFIX_ENABLE = N # This property will define the user id which will be used in publishing scenerio using web services. USER_ID = CSFBAdmin # This property will determine whether CT need to provide support BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY for OLD API's are not. BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY_ENABLED = Y # This property will determine whether TLS is enabled for SMTP communication. smtp.enabletls = true # This property will define the SMTP Host. = # This property will define the SMTP port. smtp.port = 8080 # This property will define the sender's emailaddress from which export to email should be sent. smtp.credentials.username = # This property will define the password for sender's email address from which export to email will be sent. smtp.credentials.password = XxXxXxXx # This property will define the datasource details where implementation team can override the getAttachmentEncryptionPassword. EXPORT_TO_EMAIL_DATASOURCE = com.intellectdesign.canvas.alert.handler.DefaultAlertDataSource # This property will define the size limit for the email attachment. MAIL_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT = 5 # This property will define the FCM Server Key fcm.server.key = AAAA8vRqo9E:APA91bGAH_mayzwS8fHU2FmHdOMk_hUc0Yi3GxMcS72VN18sPBIJCKs7Wv7uauKnLScTTVH7gFWy_fKhGq20m-0fNuEhStlBarz4BCzIR # This property is for http proxy host HTTP_PROXY_HOST = ${} # This property is for http proxy port HTTP_PROXY_PORT = ${env.http.proxy.port} # This property is for https proxy host HTTPS_PROXY_HOST = ${} # This property is for https proxy port HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = ${env.https.proxy.port} # This property will define an indicator to invalidate session on browser close INVALID_SESSION_BROWSER_CLOSE_IND = N