Creating Library Request
Here is a short video that explains how to create a request using Request Modeler.
Alternatively you can refer the following section for step by step procedure for the same.
Let's see how to create a new Library request using the Request Modeler in Canvas Studio.
- Click Create >Request.
- In the Create New Request screen, enter the values for the fields as shown in the following table:
Field Name
Sample Value
1 Request Id
Unique ID of the request.
2 Request display name
Label key of the request name appears as the request title.
3 Service Type
Database: When selected, this service type will enable the Request Modeler to communicate with the local database for fetching the required data through the connection configured to it.
HAL: When selected, this service type will enable the Request Modeler to communicate with the Web service for fetching the required data through the system parameter configured to it.
Web Service: When selected, this service type will enable the Request Modeler to communicate with a REST Web service for posting data to it. For more information, refer Creating Web Service Connection and Data Source.
4 Request Type
Enables you to select the request type from the listed options:
Admin - Enables the admin level events (back office) in the entitlement action mapping. See Event Type for more details.
Customer - Enables the customer level events (front office) in the entitlement action mapping. See Event Type for more details.
5 Bundle Key
Name of the bundle key associated with the property file.
6 Request Mode
Enables you to select the request mode from the listed options:
Private - The library data created with this mode will be visible only to the creator of the request and others will not be able to view it. The GCIF Column and User Number Column fields will be enabled along with the business key.
By default private request should not have any authorization flow. However, there could be exceptions to this rule. Let us take a scenario where there are joint account holders. If one of the partners submits a private request to add a beneficiary to transfer funds, the other one should be able to view and approve it. However, the request created should not be visible to others apart from the joint account holders as it is private in nature. In this case, a tailored authorization flow must be attached. For example, you may want the private request to go through two levels of approval based on the minimum and maximum amount specified. For this, you must select the 'six eye' option in the TYPE field on the Request Authorization Flow screen OR you could also define a custom approval work flow. If it is not a special scenario, you must select the 'None' option in the TYPE field on the Request Authorization Flow screen.If the entitlements attached to the private requests do not have any work flow or 'None' work flow defined, you will have to specify the work flow or define the 'None' workflow for the request according to your requirement.
Public - The library data created with this mode will be visible for everyone. Only the Business Key is required for this mode.
SemiPrivate - The library data created with this mode will be visible for all the users who are entitled to access the specific GCIF category. GCIF Column field will be enabled along with business key.
If the public or semi-private requests do not have authorization workflows attached, you will have to specify the work flow. If not, the default work flow (four eyes) will be set for the requests. You can change the default work flow as per your requirements.
Request Category
Enables you to select any one of the listed type of requests:
- Library
- Service
You can use your own customized workflow as a Request Category in Request Modeler. For more information on using the workflow as a Request Category, refer Configuring Requests using a Workflow and Creating Requests using a Workflow.
8 Request Description
A brief description of the request for easy identification and understanding.
Customer Public Library Request
9 Connection
If there are multiple databases, this option allows you to select the connection that is associated with the database of the relevant data source. The connection must be created within Canvas Studio. Refer Creating DB Connection and Data Source for more information on connections.
This field is applicable only for requests where the service type field is selected as 'Database' or 'Web Service'.Note
The connection created must refer to the specific database and need not have any data source configured within it. However, to publish forms created in the Request Modeler to a REST Web service, the connection must have the data source configured accordingly. For more information, refer Creating Web Service Connection and Data Source.
Add New Connection
When selected, redirects you to the Create New Connection screen where you can configure a new connection. To create a new connection using this feature, do the following steps:
- Click Add New Connection.
- Create the connection in the Create New Connection screen and save it. The connection created by you gets listed in the Connections List screen.
- Double click the new connection that you have created to select it.
10 System Parameter Enables you to select the web service.
The MST_CIB_APPID_HANDLER_MAP table utilizes the OD_CODE_TYPE data from the OD_SYSTEM_PARAMETER_MB table to invoke the formatter and communicator classes.The OD_SYSTEM_PARAMETER_MB table in the database contains the following data:
Columns Value
OD_CODE_TYPE Unique ID. OD_DESCRIPTION Base URL for invoking the web service. OD_VALUE1 URL for fetching the list of services available in the web server. OD_VALUE2 URL for fetching the details of the selected service from the web server. This field is applicable only for requests where the service type field is selected as 'HAL'.
Entitlement Details 11 Function Category
Enables you to select the function category.
Function Category and Function Mapping:Function Category
Function Enquiry View Approve Approve Initiate Edit Initiate Enquiry and initiate function categories are mandatory for every request. The Approve function category is mandatory for Public and Semi Private requests if an approval work flow is required for them. However, if you do not want the approval flow for Semi Private and Public requests, you can use the default workflow provided by Canvas (four eyes). You can change the default work flow as per your requirements.
Enquiry 12
Name of the Product that the app stands for. Only the users who are authorized to this product can view/access this request.
Sub Product
Name of the Sub Product within the Product for which the app stands for. Only the users who are authorized to this sub product can view/access this request.
Once the function category is selected, the relevant functions are listed within this field. Only the users who are authorized to this function can view/access this request.
Add Actions button
See Map Action Codes for more details.
Add Entitlement button
Adds an additional row to add another entitlement. Do the steps 11 to 15 again to configure the new entitlement.
Delete Entitlement button
Deletes the selected entitlement row.
Create Table button
Enables you to create a new table for the request.
Add Table button
If the Service Type field is selected as Database, this field enables you to select the required table or multiple tables and add it to the request.
If the Service Type field is selected as HAL, this field enables you to select the required services through business service listing and business service details and add the required service to the request. When a service is selected, all the sections (tables) within the service will be added to the request.
All the sections within a service have to be passed through the request. If you choose to delete any section then the web service will not publish it due to the unavailability of the section in the request.
If the Service Type field is selected as Web Service, this field enables you to select the required Web service data source for the POST HTTP method.
Edit Table button
Enables you to edit the table and the other related properties. See Table Details for more details.
Delete Table button
Deletes the selected table from the Create New Request screen.
Additional Params
This fields can be used for several purpose, e.g. when you need to add custom publishing.
- Custom Publishing:
Enables you to add a custom class along with its key value for publishing a request using the custom publisher class specified in this field. See Publishing for more details. You can also use a custom entitlement class, if required.
If there are no custom classes to be specified in this field, enter {} so that the default Database/HAL publisher related classes will be used based on the publish mode associated with the request.
{ "CUSTOM_PUBLISHER":"com.intellectdesign.classname", "CUSTOM_ENT_CHECKER":"com.intellectdesign.classname" }
Validation Rule {JSON}
Enables you to enter the validation syntax in the JSON format. See Validation JSON for more details.
Create New Request - 'Database' as Service Type
Create New Request - 'HAL' as Service Type
Create New Request - 'Web Service' as Service Type
Map Action Codes Screen:#
Field Name
Sample Value
1 Product Code
Auto populated field that shows the product code that was entered in the Create New Request screen.
2 Sub Product Code
Auto populated field that shows the Sub Product code that was entered in the Create New Request screen.
3 Function
Auto populated field that shows the Function that was entered in the Create New Request screen.
Action Details
4 Position
Allows you to specify the position of the action button in the widget.
5 Action
Enables you to select the action that is associated with the function that was selected in the Create New Request screen.
6 Action Type
Allows you to specify the action type for the action buttons.
7 Event Type Enables you to select the event that is associated with the function in accordance to the selected request type.
Request Type
Event Type Admin BO LOGOUT
FO MAINTENANCE 8 Add Action Enables you to add an additional row to associate another action to the function.
Enables you to delete the action associated with the function.
Table Details Screen:#
Field Name
Sample Value
1 Table Name
This is an auto-populated field that fetches the table name from the database.
Column Details
2 Column Name
This field automatically fetches the column name from the database. The user is allowed to edit the column name only if it is a new table.
3 Data Type
This field automatically fetches the data type associated with the column from the database. The user is allowed to edit the data type only if it is a new table.
4 Size
This field automatically fetches the size associated with the column from the database. The user is allowed to edit the input size only if it is a new table.
5 Is Mandatory Field?
Indicates that the user input for the respective field is mandatory.
6 Default Value
Assigns the default value for the respective field if no input is provided during the request submission.
7 Validation Type
Enables you to select the validation type for the respective field.
8 Entitlement Criteria
Enables you to select the entitlement criteria for the respective field.
9 Primary Key
This is a special relational database table column designated to uniquely identify all table records. It cannot contain null values in the database table.
If the primary key is defined in the database, the same will be fetched.CARD_NO
10 Summary Columns
Enables you to select the columns that are required to be displayed in the summary screen.
Enables you to select the primary/parent table for the current table.
This field is applicable only in multiple database table scenario where the tables are related to each other with respect to the Primary Key or Business Key and HAL request where the section can have multiple sections within it.-
12 GCIF Column
Enables you to select any of the table columns as GCIF (Customer Identification Folio) column based on the requirement.
This field value should not be same as the Business key.CARD_NO
13 User Number Column
Enables you to select any of the table columns as User Number Column based on the requirement.
This is required for a private request where the ID of the user who is placing the request gets stored. This will be used to ensure privacy of the data (which means when a user logs in, only records pertaining to the user will be shown in the enquiry grid).
This field value should not be same as the Business key.CARD_TYPE
14 Business Key
This key identifies the uniqueness of a row based on columns that exist in a table according to the business rules.
This field value should not be same as the GCIF or CIF values.CARD_NO
15 Parent Table Business Key
Displays the business key of the parent table selected in the Primary Table ID field.
This field is applicable only in multiple database table scenarios where the tables are related to each other with respect to the Primary Key or Business Key and HAL request where the section can have multiple sections within it.-
16 Transaction Amount Field
Enables you to select the primary amount field in your table. Based on the amount value entered in this field and the Transaction Currency field, the respective authorization workflow will be delegated by the Request Modeler engine to the specific request.
17 Transaction Currency Field
Enables you to select the currency type column in your table. Based on the currency type entered in this field and the Transaction Amount field, the respective authorization workflow will be delegated by the Request Modeler engine to the specific request.
Table Details - Single Table Configuration
Table Details - Multiple Table Configuration
Request Authorization Flow screen:This screen is launched at the time of submitting the request in the following scenarios:
- When the user creates a private request with approval work flow but then chooses to create the request with the 'None' workflow.
- When the user creates a private request with neither the 'None' workflow nor other approval workflow.
- When the user creates public or semi-private requests without any approval workflow defined.
Field Name
Sample Value
Customer Identification Folio. This ID must be unique for a company.
2 Channel ID
Specify the channel ID for which you would like the approval work flow to be respected. The available options are:
- Desktop
- Mobile
- Tablet
- All channels
All Channels
3 Eval Condition Type
The evaluation condition type based on which the approval work flow must be picked and the request is to be processed.
Default: The default evaluation condition is used for processing the request.
Custom: Allows you to specify the evaluation condition in the Eval Condition field to process the request.Default
4 Eval Condition
In this field you can specify the evaluation condition for the request. This field is enabled when the 'custom' option is selected in the Eval Condition Type field.
Sample evaluation condition is as follows:{ "condition" : [{ "id" : "equals", "field" : "$context.authflow", "value" : true }] }
5 Type
Select the approval workflow for the request. The options are Four eye, Six eye, None, Tree, and custom.
6 Auth Flow
Provide the approval work flow JSON in this field. This field is enabled when the 'custom' option is selected in the Type field.
Sample authorization flow is available in the embedded file.{ "authflow": [ { "tier": [ { "type": "number", "min": 10, "max": 100, "workflow": { "type": "foureye", "flow": { "completed": false } } }, { "type": "number", "min": 100, "max": 1000, "workflow": { "type": "sixeye", "flow": { "completed": false } } } ] } ] }
7 Flow Control Name
Specify a unique name for the approval workflow.
8 Submit
Click this button to submit the approval work flow updates.
9 Cancel
Click this button to cancel the authorization flow changes.
- Click Save.
- In the Workspace Menu Selection screen, enter the Workspace ID in which the request must be displayed.
Field Name
Sample Value
1 Request Id
This is an auto-populated field that fetches the request Id that was specified in the Create New Request screen.
2 Request Display Name
This is an auto-populated field that fetches the request display name that was specified in the Create New Request screen.
3 Workspace Id
Enables you to select an existing workspace in which the request is to be rendered.
- Click Save.
- Click OK in the pop-up window.
Once all the above steps are completed, you can find that the Request Modeler has automatically generated the relevant form definition for the request that is created.
Even apps will automatically get generated for each and every created request in App Designer. For detailed information on the automatic generation of apps for the created requests, refer Automatic App Generation of Requests.
For the full set of information on the usage of phrase variables to display error messages in Request Modeler sequences, refer Using Phrase Variables for Error Handling in Requests.