

The SMS feature enables your mobile application to send and receive SMS.

Supported Platforms

This feature is supported in the following platforms:

  • iOS (send SMS only)
  • Android


To install the Send SMS plugin, execute the following command in your Cordova project directory:

cordova plugin add cordova-sms-plugin

To install the Receive SMS plugin, execute the following command in your Cordova project directory:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-sms


Send SMS

The following code snippet sends a “Hello from Canvas Technology” message to a specified mobile number when the "Send" button is clicked:

/* The following function sends a message when "SEND SMS" button is clicked.
*  Here, CFEC.CLICK is the Canvas event that can be used to capture the button clicked action.
*  SEND is the form item ID for the "SEND SMS" button.
this.fm.registerHandler(CFEC.CLICK, "SEND", 
                        function (fm, event, fieldName, value) 
            				var params = 
                				number: "9566026960",
                				message: "Hello from Canvas Technology",
                    				replaceLineBreaks: false,
                        				intent: 'INTENT'
            				canvas.env.comm.SMS.sendSMS(params, successSMS, errorSMS);

// The following function displays the message after a SMS is successfully sent.
function successSMS(status) 
    showAlert("SMS is sent successfully." + status);

// The following function displays the message when a SMS is not sent.
function errorSMS(err) 
    showAlert("Unable to send SMS.");

Receive SMS

The following code snippet is for receiving SMS:

/* The following function receives SMS messages when "RECEIVE SMS" button is clicked.
*  Here, CFEC.CLICK is the Canvas event that can be used to capture the button clicked action.
*  RECEIVE is the form item ID for the "RECEIVE SMS" button.
this.fm.registerHandler(CFEC.CLICK, "RECEIVE", 
                        function (fm, event, fieldName, value) 
            				canvas.env.comm.SMS.receiveSMS(successrSMS, errorrSMS);

// The following function displays the message after a SMS is successfully received.
function successrSMS(event) 
    showAlert("Received SMS successfully." + event.data.body);

// The following function displays the message when a SMS is not received.
function errorrSMS(err) 
    showAlert("Unable to receive SMS.");