About Mandatory Text and Conditional Mandatory Text

Canvas enables the developer to mark the item as mandatory or conditional mandatory enabling the developer to effectively handle user input.

Mandatory Text

ConditionalMandatory Text

The Mandatory Text indicates that an item is mandatory. The end-users must enter the values for those items marked with Required Indicators.

These fields will be marked with a red asterisk (*) symbol.

The Conditional Mandatory Text indicates that an item is conditionally mandatory. The users will have to enter values based on a condition.

These fields will be marked with double blue asterisk (**) symbols.

The developers can write the conditions and the forms behavior in the CFEC.PRE_VALIDATE handler.

For example:
Consider a case like making a Text Area (TXT_MESSAGE_DESC) as mandatory based on the check box (CHK_PROCEED_WOUT_MESG).

If the check box is selected, the user needs to enter values in the text area.

  • If the check box is not selected, the user must enter values.

You can mark the TXT_MESSAGE_DESC as conditional mandatory and can write the CFEC.PRE_VALIDATE as shown:

this.fm.registerHandler(CFEC.PRE_VALIDATE, function(fm, config)
	//fm.getValue API is used to get the value of particular field.
		//This API is used to mark an invalid field as valid.
		return [true, true];
		//This API is used to mark an invalid field as valid.
		fm.markInvalid("TXT_MESSAGE_DESC", "Enter the message");
		return false;

For more details of form APIs, see Form and Form Item APIs.