About Mandatory Text and Conditional Mandatory Text
Canvas enables the developer to mark the item as mandatory or conditional mandatory enabling the developer to effectively handle user input.
Mandatory Text | ConditionalMandatory Text |
The Mandatory Text indicates that an item is mandatory. The end-users must enter the values for those items marked with Required Indicators. These fields will be marked with a red asterisk (*) symbol. | The Conditional Mandatory Text indicates that an item is conditionally mandatory. The users will have to enter values based on a condition. These fields will be marked with double blue asterisk (**) symbols. The developers can write the conditions and the forms behavior in the CFEC.PRE_VALIDATE handler. |
For example:
Consider a case like making a Text Area (TXT_MESSAGE_DESC) as mandatory based on the check box (CHK_PROCEED_WOUT_MESG).
If the check box is selected, the user needs to enter values in the text area.
- If the check box is not selected, the user must enter values.
You can mark the TXT_MESSAGE_DESC as conditional mandatory and can write the CFEC.PRE_VALIDATE as shown:
this.fm.registerHandler(CFEC.PRE_VALIDATE, function(fm, config) { //fm.getValue API is used to get the value of particular field. if(fm.getValue("CHK_PROCEED_WOUT_MESG")=='Y') { //This API is used to mark an invalid field as valid. fm.clearInvalid("TXT_MESSAGE_DESC"); return [true, true]; } else { //This API is used to mark an invalid field as valid. fm.markInvalid("TXT_MESSAGE_DESC", "Enter the message"); return false; } });
For more details of form APIs, see Form and Form Item APIs.