Sigma Project Subscription

Sigma Project Subscription

Perform the following steps to subscribe Sigma application:

  1. Register the tenant in Canvas application.

    Refer Registering as a Tenant for more information on registering a tenant in Sigma Studio.

  2. Log-in to Sigma Studio with tenant's login credentials provided on the mail.

    Once you login, the Create Market Place page appears by default as shown in the following screenshot:

  3. Click Canvas Projects tab.All the projects provided by Canvas appears on this tab.

  4. Click Subscribe Now on the Sigma project.

    A success message appears.
  5. Click Ok. The Sigma application is subscribed successfully.
  6. Log onto Sigma Studio once you receive the confirmation mail after admin approving the new project.
  7. Select the target application as canvas default.

  8. Click the sandwich menu on the left-hand side of the page.

  9. Click Tenant Management.

  10. All tenant registration requests appears under the Project Approval section. Click Approve on the Sigma project request from the tenant.

    A success message appears.

  11. Click Ok.

    The Sigma project subscription is made successfully.

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