Check box is an independent single check box. It is a stand-alone item and it can be used for providing single option that user can turn on or off.
Adding labels for Check box:
Check box allows adding values in four different ways:
- Raw Key and Raw Value (See following table)
- Pre-Defined data (See Adding Pre-Defined Data Values)
- Dynamic data (See Adding Dynamic Data Values)
- Managing List of Values (LOV) for Form Fields
- Form Items >Toggle>Checkbox
The following table provides information about the properties that are applicable to this form item:
# | Property | Description | Sample Values |
1 | Form ID | Unique ID of the Form on which you want to place the Form Item. | NEW_TRANSACTION_FORM |
2 | Item ID | Unique ID to the Form item. | CHECK_BOX4 |
3 | Item Type | To identify the item type in a form. | CHECKBOX |
4 | Channel | Assigns the form item compatibility for various devices. | Desktop / Tablet / Mobile |
5 | Bundle Key | Name of the key associated with the property file which provides the localized label text for the current form item. | Common |
6 | Plain Label | Text entered in Plain Label field appears as the label of the form item without the resource bundle key translation. 18.1: If you are using the property files, leave the Plain Label field as blank. Display Name Key is the property-driven label key for the form item. 19.1: In Canvas 19.1, the Display Name Key field is a configuration-driven label key for the form item. See About Display Name Key and Plain Label from 19.1 and Managing Display Names for Forms for more information. | |
7 | Display Name Key | SAVINGS ACCOUNT | |
8 | Edit | Selected: Renders the Form in edit enabled mode. | Selected |
9 | Visibility | Selected: Shows the form item on the Form. | Selected |
10 | Help | Selected: Renders the form item with a help icon. | Selected |
11 | Selected: Allows printing the form item while printing the form. | Selected | |
12 | Anchor | Defines the size of the form item in terms of percentage (without % symbol). | 50 |
13 | Column Span | Occupies the specified number of item spaces horizontally for the current item. | 1 |
14 | Label Alignment | Indicates the alignment of the labels of the form items. | Top |
15 | Hide Label | Selected: Hides the label of the form item. | De-selected |
16 | Add Icon |
| Selected |
17 | No text |
| De-selected |
18 | Switch | Enables you to switch from one form item to another form item along with the applicable properties and their values. To switch from one form item to another form item, execute the steps that follow:
| NA |
19 | Clone | Enables you to create a duplicate of the selected form item along with its applicable properties except for the Item ID. | 2 |
20 | Event Wiring | The Event Wiring option enables you to assign various events for different set of actions. For detailed information on Event Wiring, refer Form Items Event Wiring. | |
21 | Settings menu | Raw Keys - Array of comma separated data that will be used as keys to handle the check box selection. | Y,N,I |